The Trio Reunites! Kevin, Noah, and Kyle!

Hara smiled, his face looking at Kevin in excitement. "I'll have you know that I was trained by my father directly! All of his moves, I can do at a slightly weaker pace, but look at you now! You're completely out of breath, and this is like a game of chess! I'm going to beat you over, and over, and over!"

Kevin sighed, biting his purple finger. His skin then broke out like Uma Sahua's, all his wounds disappearing in an instant. "This new power of mine isn't your average power - I can heal myself each time I use it, and I'll make sure this counts! Anyway, time to show you what I'm capable of!"

He dug both of his legs into the dirt roads of the city, his grin reflecting across the dimension. "Almighty Punch!" he exclaimed, teleporting at the speed of sound to Hara, giving him the same treatment he gave him. "What the hell was that?! I didn't even have time to re-"

"Knife!" he continued, his entire left hand turning purple and merging with Hara's stomach at full speed. The attack was very effective, sending Hara flying across Hamila at full speeds, landing into a nearby mountain. 

Kevin promised Itama Kawasaki and Champion Suru that he would return to completely overthrow the Trilan dictatorship. As they continue to cross the seas to Hamila, however, they plan on how to get their friend Gerald Romanti back. In this volume, you will learn about the backstory of Gerald and Bubbles, along with the past of the Romanti Clan. Will Team ENTITY be able to carry on Alex's job and take on the Romanti Clan, or will they die and not be able to return to the diabolical government of Trila? Welcome to ENTITY VOLUME 10: Chasing Gerald

Volume 10, Chapter 28 - The Trio Unites! Kevin, Noah, and Kyle!

"He knocked me pretty far… that boy is dangerous. He beat the cyborgs with the same power, so it's very worrisome." Hara thought to himself, wiping the blood off of his chin. Kevin then raced across the city at mock speed, headbutting Hara full-on. "I'll knock you into the ocean!" Kevin exclaimed, pushing him off a nearby cliff. However, Hara knew his powers couldn't save him now, so he tried to attack Kevin with his arms and legs. "Hook!" he exclaimed, his leg extending. Kevin, however, dodged it easily. 

It then came back and sent him flying into the water. "You just lost to a Fatima special!" Hara exclaimed, laughing as he watched Kevin drown. "You're nothing, kid! I can't wait to announce to everyone that you died!"

Silence passed for a few seconds, then a bird came soaring down from the sky. Who was on it? Kevin, Noah, and Kyle. "That was a fast teleportation strategy you used, Kevin!" Noah exclaimed, looking down at Hara. "Just one more hit, and he's toast! Fatima, on the other hand, is going to be way stronger than this!"

Kyle smiled, responding to Noah's speech with his face. "Kevin won't need any more help from us until we all meet at Hamila Tower - this was just a lucky encounter, of course. I'll let you finish your business here, but don't expect anything more from us for a while!"

Kevin smiled, grasping his hand once again. "Here we go again! Charge 3 - Rapid Mode!" he exclaimed.

Both Noah and Kyle looked at each other, then at him in shock. "THAT'S KEVIN!?" they both exclaimed. Hara smiled, throwing his white, bloody shirt into the ocean. "I'm the next captain of the Romanti Clan! You're not going to defeat me so easily - come at me again, I was just getting started!"

The clouds above them erupted with lightning, Kevin's body rapidly changing once again. "The winner takes all - which is going to be ME!" he exclaimed.