I Died... huh?



I hear as I am greeted by a old man in white robe who is also some what glowing bowing towards me or kneeling?

And before i get to reply he says.

"I am so very sorry young man but I may or may have not accidentally threw a bolt of lightning straight at you..."

He says to me again looking sorry.


"Why is it that you seem to be so... calm?"

He asks me as I just sit still in front of him calm.

"Well i died so yeah i guess..."

I reply emotionlessly.

"I guess I am just used to unexpected things happening around me"

"What do you mean young man?"

He asks me confused because he just explained that I have died and am still calm.

"Well things happen right?"

"I guess but are you not even angry at me?"

"I mean i did kill you BUT accidentally"

He asks me confused still as im just here sitting quietly.

"No... Its ok it was an accident, and even if i want to complain your God i cant really do anything anyways"

"Well this is quite... Unexpected?"

"I considered that because I killed you accidentally I thought you would be angry but..."

He says to me but i cut him off and say.

"Nah its ok I mean Ive had a... Life i guess?"

"What do you mean by that young man?"

He asks me confused with what i just said about my life and so he asks me.

"What has been with your life young man?"

"I mean things like me hating humans and humans hating me I guess..."

"What '_'???"

He replied bewildered about what i just said and how i said it like it was normal.

"I mean yeah It may be on the bad side i guess i did some crimes for that right?"

"But I havelooked at you karma how is it that is what you think you deserved?"

He says then proceeds to bring out an oddly bright white orb from his robe and puts it in front of us and says.

"See here this is your karma and its pure white"

He says as i look at the brightly white orb.

"This is my karma?"

"Yes as you can see here it is completely pure as you have not done anything that is considered a bad karma"

[Huh how is this possible im pretty sure being hated by humans would mean that i get bad karma is that not true]

I thought as i look and poke the orb.

"No young man being hated by humans is not considered a bad karma"

He replies as i had a confused face and thought.

[Did you just read my mind???]

He laughs as he says.

"Yes young man i can as everything in this white space is under my domain"


"So what now?"

I ask as i interrupt him still laughing.

"I can just reincarnate you into an another world but you get 3 no 5 wishes"

He says to me while feeling proud and standing triumphing.

But has he looked at me and saw that im still just sitting in front of him quietly.

"Are you still not satisfied with 5 wishes huh you are more selfish than i thought but no mor-"

Before he finishes i just interrupted him by saying.

"No its not that it not enough wishes its just that"

"I don't really want to... Live again."


He groans at me loudly...


He asks to me bewildered with what i just said to him as he shouted his words and got bigger as he said each word.

"I mean i just don't really want to live anymore..."

"Cant you just i don't know send me to the after life or something?"

As i ask him that question he shrinks again to my height and says.


He says to me while grovelling in the floor saying sorry to me.


"Well you see my daughter ummm... She is well she is who you people call a death god and she is responsible for the souls that have died she supervises the afterlife"

"Ok and what does that have to do with me not able to go to the after life?"

"Well she have or may or may not have pushed you to me and said"


I hear a girl say as i look at my left to see a beautiful girl with a black dress with an alluring body as with a beautiful silk like hair that is black and beautiful as the night sky.

Enter the white space that the supposed God and me are in.

"Well my daughter Mors what are you doing here"

God says shakely while backing away.

"Well father I see that the poor soul is still here can you please tell me why?"

"Dear father"

I don't know why but her saying "Dear father" so menacing send chill throughout my body or soul.

"Well you see daughter im was just in the process of sending him to an new lif-"

As he was about to fishing his sentence defending him self he got interrupted with a scythe almost hitting him and just struck the floor in front of him.

"I don't want to hear excuses father"

She says to him menacingly as she makes the scythe suddenly disappear into black smoke while holding it.

"Well I am very sorry poor soul as this father of mine is quite the clumsy fool who just strikes lightning everywhere for some reason..."

She says to me apologizing to me.

"No it is ok what's done is done right?"

"I guess... Father be glad that the one you killed forgives you"

She says to me while also holding her father or God's face towards me.

"Aack Thank you young man for forgiving this old fool"

He says to me while getting played by his daughter.

"Well now that is done when can i go to the afterlife?"

"Yes now you get sent to an another worl-...


She was about to say but gets confused at what i just said.

"I mean when can i go to the afterlife?"

"WHAT you mean your going to throw away your opportunity to live again???"

She asks me as she threw away her father and holding me like i was an orb or because i was just a soul.

"I mean i just want to go to the afterlife and not live again so yeah"


She was about to say but got interrupted by God and then explains to her about the conversation we had earlier before she came.

"What a pecular soul... Refusing to live again and just wants to go to the after life your weird"

She says to me while closely observing me thinking about what to do next.

"Well usually we just send you people in the after life or in an another world with wishes but you are different"

She explains to me as this was quite a weird situation for her or them.

"Yes daughter I even gave him or tried to give him 5 wishes but he just wanted to go to the afterlife so I don't know what to do..."

As they speak to each other they still haven't took of their eye against me looking at me like im a specimen being observed like a rat.

"A sorry if we made you uncomfortable as this is the first time this has happened"

The Death God or Goddess says as she looks away from me and asks her father.

"So what do we do now father?"

"At this rate even if we send him to the other world he would just i think kill himself as I just saw through his memories"

"Well even I don't know daughter..."

"This is quite the weird situation we are in as when these special type of situation happens they just accept the wishes but this..."

The talk about what to do with me as i just i guess stay still here waiting for their judgement?

As time passes but or i think it is God finally breaks the silence and says.

"Ah I know i will send you to the other world but how about you just do whatever you want"

"And for a safety measure why don't you curse him to being an immortal daughter?"

"Oh? Thats is quite an idea father but are you sure?"

"I mean im literally going to make him an immortal and Im going to be cursing him doesn't that make it unfair as he has really no faults for me to curse him..."

As they just conversed about what to do to me and i got a bit worried that it looks like i would not be going to the afterlife.

"Umm... Can you guys just please send me to the afterlife as how about we just say that its my wish alright"

I say but it looks like it did not get through them as the Death Goddess looks at me and says.

"AH! This could work"

She says as she got an idea about what to do now and just says.


She says at me in a thundering voice and it just made my soul shake.


As she says that she curses me i feel a strange wave of feeling of dread throughout my soul and I felt like passing out and as i was about to i heard .

"Don't worry poor soul this for your own good"

"Alright good job daughter now that is done i grant you my blessing and be free of everything"

"I the creator of life i give you my blessing as an apology for what i have done to you use my blessing well and have a peaceful new life"

"Oh right I almost forgotten of the blessing"

"I the Personification of Death shall give you her blessing as a gift from thyself"

"I wish you good luck oh poor soul"

As they were just about done blessing me i blacked out.


And as the soul losts its consciousness I heard my daughter Mors shout.

"COME OUT NOW! Pernicies I know you are watching"

I sigh as I hear my daughter Mors shouting for her sister The Goddess of Destruction and Chaos Pernicies.

"Well now sister let us not fight right now as you still have such a poor soul to take care right?"

"Oh and hello aswell oh dear father"

My daughter says while looking at the soul of the young man I have accidentally killed.

"Tell me what is it that you want Pernicies I have no time to play games with you"

Mors says irritated.

"Now now sis I am just interested in the soul that our dear father accidentally killed as this is quite a rare occurrence"

"So I would like to bless him aswell is that not a good way to say sorry for our father's mistake?"

The Destruction/Chaos Goddess says calmly while smiling at her sister.

Mors look king at her sister suspiciously as she knows that she has more intentions that what she just said.

"Now now girls lets us not get into a fight in front of the soul right now we dont want him to suddenly get destroyed don't you think?"

"Yes now father does have a point right sister~"

As Pernicies says to Mors.

"Tsk... Do what you want you battle crazed goddess"

"I'll ignore what you just said for now but ok"

She replies irritated as she proceeded to chant her blessing to the soul.

"I the Destruction and Chaos I give my full blessing to the poor soul as an apology by my father's mistake"

And the soul glows black,white, and red for a second.

"Alright now that is done i will send him now to the other world so stay back no my daughters"

I say as an array of magic circles surround the soul and the to girls get away from the soul as to not disturb it.

"I #### ###### ####### #######"

Speaking in a language that is not known by many not even the Gods and the soul gets enveloped by differen kinds of complex magic circles and disappears and goes to a new body in the other world.

But before i could clean up the space as things are now messy because of the spell.

"Father now that i think about it we just gave him blessings and not knowledge about that world are you sure its ok to just send him over there already?"

Mors asks me curious and at the same time worried for the soul.

"Do not worry my daughter as i have given him some gifts betore sending him over there as that would be very likely help him so don't worry"

"The only thing we need to do is watch him and what he can and want to achieve"

"I give you good luck Logan"

-Chapter end

Well thats the 1st chapter thank you for reading as this is going to be my first book and im writing this on my phone so i am sorry if there are some mistakes but this is just going to be me writing just trying to be a writer so i hoped this was enjoyed and thank you.