The Nest.



Shouts a wolf that has a fur similar to light.

"Ayla I told you to stay in the cave!"

Replies a wolf that is as dark as a shadow.

"Our cub is missing how can you let me just stay in the cave!"

"Have you found him yet?"

The white wolf asks the dark wolf.

"Im sorry Ayla but no there is no signs of him"

"What do you mean you haven't found our cub yet its about to get dark we need to find him soon!"

"I know I know maybe hes by the river I will check for now go back to the cave its to dangerous for you to be out"

"No I will come with you!"

"His our only cub I can't lose him too"

"Grrr Just stay behind me be careful"

As the dark wolf says that he dashes through the forest and the white wolf follows.


"Forest of death huh."

Me thinking that the should not be that considering the forest is named after Death herself...

[Meh I don't really care.]

[So now lets get back to the introduction Aide can you tell me about the beginners gift pack?]


"Beginners gift pack"}


[Of course why not]

I thought then pressed at the Y mentally.

{CONGRATULATIONS FOR GETTING Basic knowledge of the world Arcanium, All the languages of the world Arcanium, A growth Item?, 10X food packs, 10x Bottle of water, Basic survival guide book, 100 system coins, Note from God from the beginners gift pack^_^}

[Well aint that a realy good beginners pack...]

{WOULD YOU LIKE TO USE "Basic knowledge of the world Arcanium" AND "All languages of the world Arcanium" ?}

[Yes please Aide use them for me]

{USING Basic knowledge of the world Arcanium" AND "All languages of the world Arcanium"}

As Aide said that I felt my head ache as knowledges just somehow appears to my brain and I fell down.

"Are you ok logan?"

The wolf cub asks me worried.

"Yes don't worry just a little head ache its nothing to worry about"

[Well what the hell was that Aide?]

I question my assistant about what just happened.

{THE Basic knowledge of the world Arcanium" AND "All languages of the world Arcanium" WAS INTEGRATED INTO YOUR BRAIN HOST DO NOT WORRY AS YOU WILL ONLY GET A SLIGHT HEAD ACHE AND NOTHING MORE}

[Well I guess that checks out because there is just a bunch of thing that suddenly justa appeared to my brain but it still hurts...]


[Well thanks for the feedback]

As I finally got back to my feet hungry.

"Hey you hungry Ulva?"

"Hungry yes YES!"

The cub jumps around saying his hungry repeatedly.

"Well that convinent"

I said as I took out 2 packs of food and 2 water bottles from the inventory.

"Wow where did that come from!"

The cub asks me surprised as the food just appeared out of nowhere.

"Lets just say its magic alright."

"Wow cool you know magic!"

The cub says and looks at me amazed as I just give him the food pack which was a 3 course meal and the bottle was a 1 liter mineral water.

"Wow so much food!"

The cub shouts with stars in its eyes or I am just seeing things.

"Well don't just look at it and lets eat alright"

I said to the cub and start to eat the food.


And the cub just goes for it and devours the food in seconds literally.

I was just in about 2-3 bites in the cub was already finished...

"Well that was fast seems like you haven't in a few days"

I said to the cub impressed that he ate fast.

"Yeah the hunters in our pack are really not back yet from their hunt so I came to the river to get some fish!"

The cub says to me.

"Oh so thats why you here by the lake"


As I was going to continue to eat I heard a shout from behind the cub.


And as I heard that I quickly roll to the side to dodge a black flash going straight to me.

And then I heard a womans voice.

"Oh my cub are you alright did the human hurt you???"

I heard the woman or wolf say to the cub worrying that the cub was hurt.


As I look towards where I was eating and see quite a big black wolf growling at me.

"Well you see first things first is lets not attack at me and second of all Don't you call me HUMAN!"

As I said that I just dashed at the black wolf punching him on its head.

"What th-"

The black wolf shocked as I got in front of him fast and gets punched in the head.

As I just approached him after I punched the wolf who called me human.

And before he could stand up i picked him up and threw him in the river.

"See Ulva I told you that If I hear someone call me a 'Human' again I would throw him in the water"

As I brush my hand against each other.


I hear the other wolf shout gor the black wolf.


As the white wolf shouted and dashes at me too but as she got infront of me I catch her and picks her up.


The white wolf shouts at me as I just throw her at the water aswell.


As I see her get thrown to where the black wolf was and hits him.

"Well thats gotta hurt"


"Stop fighting Logan that my parents!"

The cub shouts at me.

"Oh oops well they had that coming calling me human"

I just said coldly.


But before the black wolf could finish what he was saying the cub just dashes to the wolf and says.

"Stop father he is not an enemy he helped me!"

The cub said to him after hitting the black wolf in the snout.


"Well you could have told that earlier you know Ulva before hitting you father."

I just said to the wolf reminding hime that he could have just told them...

"Hehehe sorry father"

"Well now thats dealt with you guys wanna talk now?"

I just said to them as I just bring out 2 more food packs and I just pick up of what of my food I had left.

1-min later~


As the white wolf say to me while munching away on the food packs.

"So what are you doing here hu- kid ahem!"

I stare at the black wolf menacingly as he was about to say human again but retract it after he corrects it.

"Nothing really just fell down from that water fall after I got thrown in the river in a wooden box by humans."

I just reply to the wolf and continue eating my leftovers or just food.

"What you a kid just throw away by humans?"

The white wolf shocked by what she just heard.

"Yeah I just heard them say I was cursed or something but its ok I don't really care that much."

I just said as I finally finish eating and just drank some water.

"Well why don't you come with us then we can accept you in our pack!"

The white wolf says to me excited.

"WOAH! I didn't agree to this why do we need to tale care of an another kid!?"

The black wolf says to the white wolf

"Before inviting me to your pack how about we introduce ourselves for now."

"Well Im Logan just a 5 year old boy that was thrown by humans in a river."

I just introduce my self to the two wolfs.

"Well I don't thinks that last part was necessary but you can call me Ayla I am a white wolf blessed by the God of Light."

"And Im Umbra A shadow wolf blessed by the God of Shadows."

"And Im Ulva I got my name from Logan"

The two introduced themselves and also the wolf cub saying his new name joyful.


Before the black wolf could finish his shocked words the white wolf comes to me pinning me down and asks me.


"What do you mean?"

I asked after I got out from her clutches.

"You just named our son of course I would ask if you were ok you know it takes a lot of mana if you name a beast."


Before I could finish I just felt weak and before I passed out I heard.


[Well thats bad]

My last thoughts as I just pass out.




Our son shouted as he saw that logan passed out suddenly.

But before he could get close he suddenly fell and layed on the ground.

"What the mother whats happening I suddenly feel weak?"

The cub asks me while trying not to faint.

"Don't worry Ulva this is normal you are just receiving the blessing or mana from Logan so you both are going to pass out."

"And don't worry about Logan as he just exhausted his mana and is gorced on a deep sleep."

"I feel weak and drowsy."

"Don't worry son we're here to protect you so just go to sleep everything will be ok as soon as you wake up."

Me and Umbra assured our little cub.

"Just sleep alright its going to be ok."


After saying that again to the cub he fell asleep.

"Well lets go back now Ayla it's going to get dark soon."

"Alright lets go you carry the boy I will carry our cub."

I said to my husband.

"Wha- why do I get to carry the hum- I mean kid."

"Because Im carrying our son so lets go we don't have much time."

As I said that I go dash through the forest going to the direction of our home.

"Tch fine but this kid owes me now."

I heard Umbra grumble and carried the boy by his clothes and comes after me.

20-mins later~

"Umbra Ayla your finally back did you find your cub?"

As we returned I heard a womans voice.

"Ah hey Brina yeah we found him and we also got someone new."

I said to the brown wolf as I just show her the kid that named my son.

"Woah why did you guys bring a huma- mmhp."

Before she could finish the last word of her sentence I just shut her mouth as I think the kid would wake up and throw her somewhere or something.

"What are you doing Ayla I was just asking why did you bring a hu-"

"Don't say thise people infront of the kid as he'll throw you to some water or something."

Umbra just says as he remembered that before we got back we we're talking what to do with the kid when it slipped his tongue and called him human and the kid just suddenly stood up and threw him in the nearby tree...

"Just don't call him as one of those guys."

As he just shivered as his back still hurts.

"Ok? You guys are acting weird."

"By the way did you guys get the news about the fight between the treant tribe and the dire wolves?"

The brown wolf says to them asking if they knew about it.

"What why are they fighting???"

Umbra asks the brown wolf.

"I don't really know but from the words that are spreading around the son of the dire wolves alpha stole something from the treants."

"Thats just what I heard."

The brown wolf explains to Umbra.

"Well I knew this would come sooner or later since Divres's kid would soon do something that would trouble them."

I just said as we knew the dire wolves and how much of a troublemaker the son of Divres the Alpha of the dire wolves is.

"Well we can't really do anything about them since they started it."

Umbra just says while shaking his head.

"But Umbra you do know that they will ask us for help right?"

"As they are really hoing to be outnumbered by the treants."

I remind my husband as he forgot about that.

"Oh right fu-"

"UMBRA! Not infront of children!"

Before he could finish I just shouted at him.

"Oh right right sorry."

"But I think we gotta refuse because winter is coming as we can't lose anyone anymore."

Umbra just says suddenly in a serious tone.

"But you do know how petty Divres is as he is not going to forgive you for this."

I remind my husband again as we know that alpha to well.

"Don't worry he can't really do anything because he's at war right now and its about to be winter so we should just get ready for now."

"Lets just get the kids to the nest for now and let them rest."

As we finish the conversation about the war coming he just changes the subject.

"Ok let's just go but be careful about Divres, Umbra you know how petty he can be."

"Yes yes mam"

As we just walk towards our cave.


"Boss Divres we are really outnumbered we need help from the other wolves."

My servant said to me don't worry send an Messenger to the gale clan, the hounds clan and the Dawn clan which was Umbra's pack right."

"Ok sir the Messengers are on their way and yes the Dawn clan is under the leadership of Umbra the wolf of the shadow."

"Yes good send them as soon as possible we need all the help we can get."

As I was about to send the servant out he asked me question.

"But Boss what if they refuse to help?"

"Hmmm interesting question."

"Just say to the treants that the totems are at the hands of the one that refuses."

"As that will buy us time to prepare and they have it coming as refising me the The Alpha of a thousand."

"Ah a brilliant idea Boss don't worry I swear that your command will be followed."

The servant praises me for my idea.

"Good! Now go away I need some time with my wife."

"AH! Yes Boss do enjoy your time."

As he leaves I go to the back of my cave or nest and come infront of a chained silver wolf that is wounded and chained.

"You know this wouldn't have happened if you had just not resisted jewelia."

I said to the silver wolf infront of me.

"You will never make me submit to you, YOU TYRANT!"

She shouted at me and spewed some spit at me.

"Looks like you still need to be trained!"

I said to her angry as she spit at me and I get my claws ready and put some lightning mana at them and slashes it her.

To be continued...