4.Meet Again

Kneeling on the ground, ChengSangJY finally noticed LiLuoning beside him. After a brief glance and a faint sense of familiarity, he suddenly remembered that this was the man he had accidentally encountered in the alley. He turned around abruptly, looking at LiLuoning with surprise, thinking, "Why is he here?"

Noticing ChengSangJY's reaction, XiaoRui asked, "JY, do you know him?"

"Not... I do not know him," ChengSangJY quickly denied, lowering his head. He was worried that if his mother found out he had sneaked away that day, it would bring trouble to everyone in the prince's residence.

While ChengSangJY felt guilty, LiLuoning spoke up, "It seems the prince seldom interacts with people from outside the palace. I apologize if my modest appearance has startled Your Highness."

XiaoRui glared at ChengSangJY and said, "Such cowardice, just like your father. If you have nothing better to do, read the books I sent over a few days ago. I'll quiz you when I have the time."

"As you command, Mother," ChengSangJY responded.

"Leave us, do not embarrass me further here," XiaoRui said impatiently, waving her hand.

ChengSangJY bowed again properly and said, "As you wish, Mother," before leaving.

Watching ChengSangJY leave, XiaoRui closed her eyes and massaged her temples.

"Does the queen often suffer from headaches?" LiLuoning asked.

XiaoRui sighed and replied, "How could I not have headaches with such a disappointing child?"

Having observed ChengSangJY, LiLuoning was all too familiar with those eyes. Yet, if he was XiaoRui's son, why did the sea tree jade bead react to him?

"The prince is still young, Your Majesty, you needn't worry overly. I heard you were seeking a new tutor for the prince. I am not a notable figure, but I spent several years under the tutelage of Sima the Master of Rituals at the Southern Academy. If Your Majesty currently has no one else in mind, I am at your disposal," LiLuoning volunteered. He wasn't actually a disciple of Sima; in fact, he was Sima himself, who had faked his death to investigate certain matters secretly.

"Is that so? Very well, it is known that Sima the Master of Rituals was unmatched in his knowledge and wisdom. The previous emperor tried several times to bring him into the palace to teach the then-young emperor but never succeeded. It's tragic that he was lost to an accidental fall from a cliff. Since you are familiar with medicine and were a disciple of Sima, this is indeed fortunate. Currently, I have no suitable candidates, so let it be decided: from this day forth, Mr. Li shall enter the prince's estate as Grand Tutor, in charge of all his educational needs. As for the current tutor who enjoys his leisure too much, let him rest indefinitely," XiaoRui decreed.

After dismissing LiLuoning, the dowager matriarch, Hua Ruoying, whispered to her aide in a tone mixed with suspicion, "That physician was recommended by the distinguished ShangGuan Chun Yi. Are we too quick to entrust him with such proximity to the prince? Might there be risks involved?"

XiaoRui's expression cooled as she scoffed, "I am indeed curious to see what kind of storms this commoner, sent by the ShangGuan family, can stir within these palace walls. Let's keep him close to the prince for now and watch the developments unfold. Inform my father; I wish to see him."

As court was dismissed, the officials scattered, discussing state affairs among themselves. Meanwhile, Dr. Meng hurried to catch up with Minister ShangGuan Chun Yi, pulling him aside for a private word.

"Have you heard, the Empress has appointed Li Luoning as the Grand Tutor?" Dr. Meng shared with a hint of anxiety.

ShangGuan Chun Yi nodded in acknowledgment, "Yes, I've been informed."

"I had hoped by securing him a position in the Royal Hospital, he would find a suitable role. But to rise so suddenly to Grand Tutor following a single audience with the Empress suggests that his intentions might be hidden and possibly malicious, using the salt poisoning incident as leverage to infiltrate the palace," Dr. Meng expressed his concerns.

"It's too early to label him as either wolf or sheep, but rest assured, I've had him discreetly investigated. His lineage is indeed one of physicians, and he was genuinely under Sima the Master's tutelage before the latter's unfortunate demise. After Sima's death, he moved from the south to our northern region, sustaining himself by treating local illnesses. His background appears clean," ShangGuan Chun Yi explained, stroking his beard with a light chuckle.

"And your point is?" Dr. Meng seemed to grasp some deeper implication, hesitating slightly before probing further.

"Given his clear background and evident intelligence, if he proves capable and loyal, he might serve the court well. Our ChengSang nation has long suffered from a scarcity of talents, and with four out of six ministries under Xiao control, it's difficult to place new officials without their endorsement. By backing Li Luoning for this position, we can bypass the Ministry of Personnel and plant him directly in the palace," ShangGuan Chun Yi strategized.

It turned out that the former Grand Tutor's frequent 'rest days' were orchestrated by ShangGuan Chun Yi himself, who was concerned about the Tutor's overly harsh treatment of Prince JY, which often included false accusations to gain favor with Empress XiaoRui. Fearing the prince's disposition might suffer under continuous strain, ShangGuan Chun Yi seized the opportunity to replace him upon verifying Li Luoning's clean background.

"Are you suggesting that Li might be of further use?" Dr. Meng inquired.

"Whether he proves useful remains to be seen. I only hope my judgment is not misplaced," ShangGuan Chun Yi concluded, contemplating the complex weave of palace intrigues.

Meanwhile, at the MoLan Prince's residence, MoLan Prince observed his staff rewarding a palace messenger through a crack in the window. Retreating to a hidden chamber, his movements were sharp and sure—a stark contrast to his usual frail demeanor. After releasing his fury in a display of archery, he turned to his most trusted shadow guard, commanding, "Speak!"

"Regarding the poisoned salt, our investigation reveals that several small salt vendors seeking profit acquired the salt cheaply from a passing Roshak merchant group, which they then sold at a high price to various officials. The merchants' trail disappears into the desert beyond our borders," the shadow guard reported.

"Roshak merchants?" MoLan Prince pondered aloud, "How coincidental that it coincides with the salt used in the royal soup?"

"Moreover, the physician who resolved the poisoning has been appointed as the new Grand Tutor to the prince by the Empress herself, following a recommendation from ShangGuan Chun Yi," the guard added.

"A commoner becoming the Grand Tutor so swiftly? Did ShangGuan Chun Yi intend this? What is his real background?" MoLan Prince questioned, sensing that something about Li Luoning's sudden rise didn't add up.

In another secret chamber, a figure adorned in exquisite, jade-colored robes played with a turquoise ring on his finger, hinting at his noble status. A sharp-jawed, handsome face was partially visible, suggesting his striking appearance.

"Master," a figure in black approached, handing over a sealed letter.

After reading the contents, the figure paused his fidgeting with the ring, a knowing smile breaking across his face.

Elsewhere, at the famed Drunken Fairy Tower, a renowned pleasure house, a delicate figure lounged by a crescent window. This person, draped in an elegant attire, held a slender bamboo smoking pipe, watching passersby below. Noticing an approaching carriage, the figure smiled knowingly, tapping the window gently with the pipe, whispering, "At last, they have arrived."

Noise erupted from the hall below, and the boisterous voice of the madam floated up, "Ah, Young Master ShangGuan, it has been too long since your last visit."

As ShangGuanCY entered, he was swarmed by courtesans. Halfway up the stairs, he paused, turning back to speak to the madam, "Madam Pan, I hear you've acquired a new 'gem'... a... a..." He hesitated, trying to recall the description.

"A male courtesan, sir. Quite the beauty, they say, more fetching than most ladies. But you usually prefer the company of our girls. What brings about this sudden interest?" the madam asked, her eyes twinkling with curiosity.

"Just tired of the usual, Madam. I heard this boy has skin that shames even the moonlight. I'm in the mood for novelty. Send him up to entertain me," ShangGuanCY instructed, dismissing the usual courtesan with a wave as he continued towards his usual private chamber.

"Ah, but Young Master, this new boy isn't like the others. He's a scholar, not one to dally with drinks and songs. He wouldn't quite suit your tastes, I fear," the madam cautiously replied, despite accepting the heavy purse ShangGuanCY handed over.

"His demeanor intrigues me all the more. Tell me, how much to bring him here?" ShangGuanCY demanded, tossing another stack of bills to the madam.

"This boy, sir, he only deals in arts and intellect—tea, poetry, music. It's not about the money..." the madam started.

"Enough, Madam. If he's under your roof, he's available. Send him up, or I'll see this place closed by nightfall," ShangGuanCY threatened, his voice cold.

"As you wish, sir. But let it not be said that I didn't warn you," the madam conceded, signaling for the boy to be called.

Upstairs in a luxurious suite, the sound of a door opening preluded the entrance of a figure in a flowing robe, his delicate features framed by a loose curtain of hair, a jade earring glinting under the chandelier's light. His presence commanded the room, a stark contrast to the usual rowdiness below.

"This mark, could he be the one rumored to have been made a royal courtesan, the first of his kind?" a guest murmured, recognizing a distinctive mark below his eye.

The young man turned his gaze towards ShangGuanCY, inviting him with a gesture that was both a challenge and a promise, "Master ShangGuan, please, step inside."

In the secluded upper chamber, away from prying eyes, ShangGuanCY faced the man who was slowly preparing tea. The room filled with a tense silence as the man's delicate hands worked methodically, his thick lashes visible as he concentrated.

"Please take a seat, Young Master. The tea needs a few more moments," the man's soft voice broke the silence, gesturing to a seat across from him.

ShangGuanCY's usual jovial demeanor was gone; his gaze was intense, his jaw set tight, betraying the anger he was struggling to contain. Noticing ShangGuanCY's clenched fists, the man offered a gentle smile, continuing his preparations.

"Would the Young Master prefer to discuss music and poetry while standing?" he teased lightly.

ShangGuanCY moved closer, taking a seat opposite the man, his expression dark. As the tea was finally served, he abruptly grasped the man's wrist, his voice low and urgent.

"Why have you returned?" he demanded.

In the Empress's chambers, a new arrangement was being set up by the maids under the Empress's orders, including regular airing of the rooms. With the physician's new treatment plan, XiaoRui felt a noticeable improvement in her health.

Seated beside her father XiaoYongNian after the maids had set the tea, XiaoRui signaled for privacy.

Once alone, she inquired, "Father, have you heard that the poison salt crisis has been resolved?"

Nodding, XiaoYongNian replied with a hint of frustration, "The Emperor always favors the ShangGuan family. It was supposed to be managed by the Ministry of War, but out of nowhere, a common physician emerged, allowing the ShangGuan family to claim the credit."

"This physician seems quite capable; following his prescription has greatly alleviated my symptoms," XiaoRui commented.

"I understand your decision to appoint him as JY's tutor, but was it prudent to accept someone recommended by the ShangGuan family so readily, especially to stay so close to JY?" XiaoYongNian expressed his concerns about the casual inclusion of a stranger in such a critical role.

"Not to worry, father. I kept him close to observe what kind of commoner could gain ShangGuan's backing to enter the palace. Also, he claims to have studied under the Grand Scholar Sima, whose intellect is surely no less than any aged scholar from the Ministry. Having him in the Prince's service, albeit as a tutor without real power, ensures he poses no immediate threat even if ShangGuan later wishes to leverage him," XiaoRui explained dismissively.

"From the Grand Scholar Sima's school?" XiaoYongNian queried, intrigued by the connection.