12.Winter Solstice

 "All He Does Is Waste Time on These Useless Things," scoffed Empress XiaoRui.

"The Crown Prince is still young. He has time to learn. Your Majesty, please don't worry. He will become great in the future," the maidservant tried to comfort her gently.

"Hmph, still young? At his age, I had already mastered poetry and music. Look at how he embarrassed himself at the Mid-Autumn Banquet, just like his worthless father," Empress XiaoRui complained, stopping in her tracks.

"Yes, Your Majesty is right," the maidservant agreed.

"If it weren't for the need to ensure ChengSang's lineage, I wouldn't care about his life or death. It would be more effective if he brought honor to me instead of sending ten thousand rare peonies. Go and order those peonies to be removed; I don't want them in my sight," Empress XiaoRui commanded.

"Yes, Your Majesty, I will have it done immediately."

Once the group walked away, LiLuoning emerged slowly from behind the rock garden, thinking,

"JY put in so much effort to cultivate those peonies. This Empress XiaoRui didn't even bother to look at them. Is there truly such a cold-hearted person in this world?"

As he turned, he saw ChengSangJY standing on the other side of the rock garden, eyes red and fists clenched.

LiLuoning was taken aback. He hadn't realized when JY had arrived. Clearly, JY had heard everything Empress XiaoRui had said. He paused before asking,

"Crown Prince, when did you get here?"

ChengSangJY quickly wiped his eyes with his fist, as if trying to hide his tears, and pretended to be strong,

"Today is not suitable for lessons here. Teacher, let's return to the study at the Crown Prince's residence."

"You... heard everything?" LiLuoning asked.

ChengSangJY didn't respond, staring blankly at a carved ornament on the table.

It was the first gift he had ever carved for Empress XiaoRui, presented during a meal. Instead of appreciation, his mother wept before his father, accusing him of idleness. That day, in a fit of rage, his father hurled a dish at him, cutting his eyebrow and eyelid. Young JY could only cover his wound and cry softly, enduring his mother's scolding and his father's sighs.

Seeing JY unresponsive, LiLuoning knew he was still hurt by what had happened. Sighing gently, he thought about how to comfort him. Finally, he said,

"JY, how about we learn something different today? Maybe pharmacology?"

JY was puzzled,

"Why does Teacher bring this up suddenly?"

LiLuoning didn't know why he mentioned it, but it seemed to catch JY's interest. Smiling faintly, he shook his head,

"No reason, just a suggestion. If the Crown Prince wishes to learn, I will teach."

 A Few Mornings Later, Near the Imperial Study

ChengSangMo watched from a distance as ChengSangJY walked towards the Imperial Study, his expression complicated. His eyes fell on the jade pendant at JY's waist. It seemed familiar, as if he had seen it before. He quietly instructed a nearby servant,

"Investigate the jade pendant the Crown Prince is wearing."

 At the Study in the Crown Prince's Residence, during Winter Solstice

"JY, it's the Winter Solstice today. There's a temple fair in the capital. Let's go out and enjoy it," LinHuaichu suggested.

"But Teacher has assigned me this book to read, and I haven't finished it yet." JY glanced longingly at LiLuoning.


LinHuaichu quickly understood JY's hint. Turning to LiLuoning, he pouted, his eyes wide and pleading.

LiLuoning pretended not to hear their conversation, looking up with a puzzled expression,


LinHuaichu rested his head on the table, blinking his big eyes at LiLuoning,

"Today is Winter Solstice. There's a fair with delicious dumplings."

"And?" LiLuoning asked, feigning ignorance.

"So, can we go out and join the fun? JY can read the book tomorrow, okay?" 

LinHuaichu pouted, showing his youthful charm.

Having spent considerable time together, LinHuaichu knew LiLuoning's temperament well. Despite being strict, LiLuoning had a soft spot for JY, often indulging him. LinHuaichu was confident that if he and JY asked together, LiLuoning would agree.

"Today isn't a scheduled day for the Crown Prince to leave the palace," LiLuoning stated firmly.

"But the temple fair is only today. Can't we change the schedule just this once? Teacher, please, it'll be fun. Just this once!" LinHuaichu pleaded persistently.

LiLuoning maintained a serious façade but couldn't help but smile inwardly. The corner of his mouth twitched upwards, noticed by LinHuaichu.

"Teacher smiled! JY, Teacher agreed. Let's go!" LinHuaichu exclaimed joyfully.

LiLuoning quickly composed himself, his eyes still twinkling with amusement, and asked sternly,

"When did I agree?"

"Teacher, you just smiled, which means you agreed. Please, Teacher, just this once. I'll even copy an extra set of notes tomorrow," LinHuaichu bargained.

"Just one set of notes to buy me off?" LiLuoning asked, pretending to be stern.

"How about two sets?" LinHuaichu raised two fingers hesitantly.

Seeing no change in LiLuoning's expression, LinHuaichu nervously added another finger,

"Three sets."

 The Unexpected Turn at the Temple Fair

LiLuoning couldn't help but smile at LinHuaichu's hesitant, indecisive demeanor. Finally, with a slight curve of his lips, he nodded,

"Go ahead."

"Great! Teacher, you are the best in the world. Many thanks! JY, let's go." LinHuaichu nearly jumped with excitement, grabbing ChengSangJY and dragging him outside.

"Wait, Huaichu, my book!" ChengSangJY barely had time to react before being pulled along, the book slipping from his hand and flying across the room.

"Forget the book! The temple fair can't wait. You can worry about those boring old papers later."

Their figures quickly disappeared around the corner of the Crown Prince's residence.

 The Bustling Capital City

The city was alive with activity, vendors on both sides of the street shouting their wares. As night fell, the streets lit up brightly like a market of lights, bustling with guests. Huge signs outside shops announced their Winter Solstice specialties.

"Wow, JY, look! This place has lamb dumplings made from fresh Northern sheep. And that place has rice wine! Oh, and over there, they have seafood dumplings. So many choices, I don't know where to start!" LinHuaichu rubbed his hands excitedly.

"Of course we have to eat dumplings during the Winter Solstice. Haven't you heard the saying? 'If you don't eat dumplings on the Winter Solstice, no one will care if your ears freeze off.'" JY, more composed than LinHuaichu, flicked his friend's ear lightly.

"Hey, my ears are a bit cold. JY, have you ever tried brewed rice wine? I've heard it's a traditional delicacy from Gusu, made with glutinous rice, yellow wine, and osmanthus flowers. Sounds delicious. How about we try some?" LinHuaichu suggested with an excited twinkle in his eye.

JY glanced at the plainclothes guards following them from a distance,

"No, we told Teacher we'd look at the temple fair and eat dumplings. Drinking isn't part of the plan. Besides, with your brother's men following us, we can't risk ordering alcohol. Aren't you worried they'll report back to your brother?"

"Don't worry about them. Just tell me if you want to try it. If you do, I have a way. And we won't get drunk, just a taste. Who's going to know?" LinHuaichu said with a mischievous grin.

The aroma of the rice wine had already piqued JY's interest, but the palace rules and regulations kept him cautious. Despite his urge, he swallowed hard and refused,

"No, no. If you really want to drink, buy it to take home. I'll save room for dumplings."

LinHuaichu saw through JY's pretense but didn't want to miss out on the wine,

"Come on, haven't you heard the saying? The more you drink with dumplings, the more fun it gets! Come with me!"

Before JY could protest, LinHuaichu grabbed his hand and ran. The two guards tried to keep up, but the crowded fair quickly separated them.

"Wait, Huaichu, I can't run anymore," JY panted, out of breath.

LinHuaichu stopped, proudly looking at JY,

"See? We lost them. Just a couple of guards, and they thought they could keep up with me."

Bent over and gasping for air, JY asked,

"So, where now?"

"To get rice wine, of course! There, that place up ahead," LinHuaichu pointed.

 A Risky Encounter

On a nearby tower, a figure observed the scene below with a calm expression.

"Master, that inn is a trap. Are you just going to let them walk in?" asked a girl approaching.

"To truly grow, one must experience the world's complexities. I know what I'm doing," LiLuoning smiled, glancing at his subtly moving left hand.

"Master, it's the Winter Solstice, and there are so many fun things down there. Can I...?" The girl pleaded, eyes wide with anticipation.

LiLuoning smiled,

"Go on then."

"Thank you, Master!" The girl beamed, but before she could leave, she held out her hand expectantly.

LiLuoning took out a money pouch, placing it in her hand with a gentle pat,

"Thank you, Boss!" She bowed gratefully but was called back by LiLuoning.

"Zhiyue, remember..."

"Don't get into fights, don't use magic, don't reveal your identity. Master, you always say the same things," Huazhiyue repeated, rolling her eyes.

"Good. Off you go," LiLuoning chuckled, shaking his head.

Whenever JY left the palace, LiLuoning would discreetly follow to ensure his safety. Today, he had foreseen a small trouble ahead and had come along to watch over him.

As JY and LinHuaichu neared the inn, LiLuoning gestured, sending a gust of wind that knocked the last leaf off a tree. It floated down, landing on ShangGuanCY's shoulder nearby.

Noticing the leaf, ShangGuanCY turned and spotted the familiar figures,

"What are they doing here?"

 The Watchful Eye

On the city wall, ChengSangMo stood in a deep blue cloak, holding a white cat. He sighed, stroking the cat,

"They never miss a chance to join the fun. Have someone keep an eye on them."

Lifting the white cat, ChengSangMo murmured,

"When will you grow up and understand that the more crowded a place is, the more dangerous it can be?"

 The Trap

Inside the inn, JY and LinHuaichu ordered a feast, including several bottles of rice wine.

"Gentlemen, your food is ready. Enjoy. I'll close the door for you," the waiter said, bowing out.

"JY, smell this wine. So fragrant," LinHuaichu said, eagerly opening a bottle.

Despite the enticing aroma, JY cautioned,

"Huaichu, we agreed just a little taste. We mustn't overdo it."

"Yes, yes, I know. Stop nagging. Are you drinking or not?" LinHuaichu grumbled.

JY raised his cup, ready for LinHuaichu to pour, when the door opened again. LinHuaichu snapped,

"I said don't disturb us...!" His words trailed off as he saw who had entered.

"Pure... Cousin," JY stammered, immediately putting down his cup and standing up, feeling like a caught child.

LinHuaichu also stood, as they both watched ShangGuanCY stroll in and sit between them.

"Enjoying a feast without inviting me?" ShangGuanCY remarked, glancing at the food and wine.

"Pure... CY, you're not with my brother, are you?" LinHuaichu asked nervously.

ShangGuanCY casually poured himself a drink, sniffed it, and frowned slightly. Something seemed off. He tapped his fingers on the table three times before downing the wine,

"Good wine."

JY, hands behind his back, fidgeted nervously. ShangGuanCY rarely scolded him harshly, but drinking outside the palace was against the rules. He had specifically warned JY about eating and drinking without his supervision. Caught red-handed, JY didn't know how to explain.

Seeing them stand there awkwardly, ShangGuanCY said,

"Sit down. We've already ordered, no need to waste it."

LinHuaichu, relieved, quickly filled ShangGuanCY's cup,

"CY, you're the best. Here, let me fill your cup."

ShangGuanCY stopped him,

"I'm just here to join your meal. You two enjoy. Don't mind me."

He picked up his chopsticks, looking at the dishes,

"Quite a spread, LinHuaichu."

 The Hidden Danger

In the kitchen, the waiter and innkeeper whispered,

"Did you do it?" asked the innkeeper.

"Don't worry. I used the best knockout powder. They'll be out cold soon. Those young masters look wealthy. This could be a big score," the waiter grinned.

A quarter of an hour later, the door to the room creaked open. The inn staff crept in quietly.

"Hey, weren't there just two of them? Where'd the third one come from?" one whispered.

The waiter, puzzled, looked at ShangGuanCY's noble attire,

"Three's even better. Tie them up."

In the inn's back yard, they doused the three with cold water to wake them.

"Ah!" LinHuaichu yelped, jolting awake, looking around in confusion.

Coughing, JY also woke, looking at his surroundings and then at the unconscious ShangGuanCY.

"CY, wake up, CY," JY nudged him.

The innkeeper, a burly man with a greasy face, sneered,

"Hand over your valuables, young masters."

"How dare you! Do you know who we are?" LinHuaichu demanded.

The innkeeper laughed,

"I don't care who you are. With money, you're a master; without it, you're nothing. Hand over your valuables, and maybe I'll let you live."

"How dare you act so brazenly in the capital? Aren't you afraid of losing your head?" JY shouted.

"Kid, let me teach you something. Never eat or drink what strangers give you. Losing my head? I've faced worse. Your life depends on my mood now. Ever heard of Li San? He works for the Ministry of War under the Xiao family. Hand over the money and stop wasting my time."

Realizing the situation was dire, JY looked at the unconscious ShangGuanCY, trying to buy time,

"We'll give you the money, but wake my friend first."

JY hoped that once ShangGuanCY was awake, his guards would come to their rescue. 

The innkeeper, impatient, spat out his toothpick,

"Wake him? He couldn't handle half a dose of knockout powder. Drag him out and bury him. Strip his clothes; they might be worth something."

Seeing their ruthless behavior, JY and LinHuaichu tried to intervene, but were quickly overpowered.

"No! You can't touch CY! Let go! Let go of him!" JY struggled.

Despite their efforts, they were helpless as ShangGuanCY was dragged away.

"Touch him, and I'll make sure you suffer!" LinHuaichu threatened.

"Stop! Take my life instead!" JY screamed in desperation.

Just then, the sounds of a fight erupted outside. Confused, JY and LinHuaichu listened intently. The noise subsided quickly.

"Huaichu, are you there?" JY whispered.

"I'm here. Are you hurt?" Huaichu replied.

Their heads were covered in black cloth, preventing them from seeing. Footsteps approached.

"I'm warning you, my brother will not let you get away with this!" LinHuaichu yelled before being knocked out.

"Huaichu! LinHuaichu, Lin..." JY called out before feeling a heavy blow, and then everything went black.