18.The Prince's House

A few days earlier, at the Drunken Immortal Pavilion...

"Are you so sure that XiaoShiKai will present that item as a gift?" ShangGuanCY asked.

MuJinling leaned leisurely against the half-moon window, resting his chin in one hand while tracing circles on his cup with the other. He replied slowly, "XiaoShiKai, though not capable of great deeds, is like a small stone that can bring down a wall. Have you ever heard that a seemingly solid wall can be toppled by a small stone in the right place? I once met a mason in the Northern Desert who told me this. If XiaoRui and XiaoYongNian are the formidable wall, then XiaoShiKai is the inconspicuous stone. Even if he can't bring the wall down instantly, he can certainly create cracks."

ShangGuanCY pondered MuJinling's plan, finding it feasible but still uncertain. "What about ChengSangMo? Are you sure he will help you?" he asked.

MuJinling's lips curved into a slight smile. "His intentions are easy to read. XiaoRui and military power are his main concerns. Given such an opportunity, do you think the MoLan prince is a fool?"


Back at the royal banquet...

ShangGuanCY stood up and walked to the center of the hall, asking, "Uncle Emperor, may I have a look at this gift?"

ChengSangKing nodded, and someone handed the jade pendant to ShangGuanCY.

ShangGuanCY pulled out a white silk handkerchief and picked up the jade pendant with it. This action caused a stir among the attendees. XiaoYongNian's eyes narrowed in thought, and he turned to glare at XiaoShiKai, who shrugged and shook his head, indicating he had no idea what ShangGuanCY was up to.

ShangGuanCY examined the jade stone, then raised it high and announced, "Everyone, at first glance, this stone indeed appears to be jade, but it is not. Its color resembles top-quality emerald, but it surpasses it in brilliance. The stone itself is not very harmful if left alone. However, if made into a pendant and worn, it becomes a deadly weapon."

Gasps of shock filled the hall. XiaoShiKai was the first to stand up and shout, "You're slandering us! This is clearly a high-quality jade pendant, naturally shaped like a dragon. You're just jealous that our Xiao family presented such a rare treasure to the Emperor!"

XiaoYongNian, unable to sit still, spoke up, "ShangGuanCY, what do you mean by this? This is merely a jade pendant. How can it be dangerous? If someone wanted to use a jade pendant as a weapon, they'd have to hit someone with it."

Laughter erupted in the hall, and even ChengSangKing couldn't help but smile, trying to calm things down. "CY, enough joking. This jade pendant is a fine piece, both in color and unique pattern. How could it be dangerous? Put it away and sit down."

ShangGuanCY remained composed, pointing his folding fan at the jade pendant and explaining, "XiaoShiKai is right; this pendant indeed has a lifelike dragon pattern. However, he overlooked a detail—the dragon has only four claws."

Voices of doubt rose again in the hall. LinHuaichu muttered gleefully, "They can't even tell a dragon from a lizard. The Xiao family really shot themselves in the foot this time."

ShangGuanCY continued, "Let's set aside whether this is a dragon or a lizard. The real issue is the material of this pendant. I said it wasn't jade. As for what it truly is, let's have the MoLan prince, who knows the most about jade, verify it."

He then respectfully handed the jade pendant to ChengSangMo.

Everyone knew that the MoLan prince and the YunQing king were not on good terms. If what ShangGuanCY said was false, ChengSangMo wouldn't hesitate to expose the lie.

ChengSangMo initially didn't want to get involved but seeing ShangGuanCY standing respectfully before him, he quickly grasped ShangGuanCY's intention.

ChengSangMo carefully examined the jade pendant under the light, his brows furrowing. He finally said, "This is indeed not jade."

This statement caused a stir among the attendees. What they initially thought was ShangGuanCY's fabrication now seemed credible, given the MoLan prince's expertise.

"Mo, if this isn't jade, what is it?" ChengSangKing asked, curious.

ChengSangMo's tone was calm as he pronounced, "It's a form of talc known as 'Fuyu jade.'"

XiaoRui and XiaoYongNian were both taken aback. The mention of Fuyu jade brought back unsettling memories. Though XiaoYongNian never uncovered the truth behind the Fuyu jade incident, the Xiao family always suspected ChengSangMo's involvement. Yet now, with ChengSangMo openly identifying the jade in front of everyone, it seemed to clear him of suspicion.

XiaoRui signaled XiaoYongNian with a glance.

"Fuyu jade? What is that?" ChengSangKing asked.

ChengSangMo placed the pendant back and habitually wiped his hands with a silk cloth, explaining, "Fuyu jade, at first glance, looks very similar to emerald and is a rare mineral. Its luster is warm and vibrant. However, it is rarely used in jade crafts because it is toxic."

Gasps filled the hall once more.

XiaoShiKai stood frozen, his mouth agape, unable to speak.

XiaoYongNian closed his eyes, trying to steady his breathing, clearly thinking through the implications.

ShangGuanCY casually fanned himself, poured a drink, and watched the scene unfold with amusement.

ChengSangJY looked at ChengSangMo in astonishment, then turned to glance at the Emperor.

LiLuoning kept his gaze down, quietly listening to the unfolding drama.

"MoLan prince, are you certain? This is a significant birthday gift for the Emperor. A false accusation could lead to charges of attempted regicide, a crime no one can bear," XiaoRui challenged.

"Absolutely certain. This stone emits toxic fumes. If kept close for long periods, it can harm the body. Father, if the Empress doubts this, place it with a living creature, and within three days, the truth will be evident," ChengSangMo said solemnly.

As ChengSangMo spoke, a eunuch whispered urgently to LiuGongGong, who quickly relayed the message to the Emperor.

"When did this happen?" ChengSangKing asked loudly, the hall falling silent as everyone turned to him.

"Your Majesty, it happened last night. The fire is out, but all the grain in the western granary is burned to ashes," LiuGongGong reported.

ShangGuanCY glanced subtly towards the high platform, a faint, almost imperceptible smile playing on his lips as he continued sipping his wine. Meanwhile, ChengSangMo cast a meaningful look at ShangGuanCY.


ChengSangKing hurled his wine cup to the ground, shattering it with a furious crash. "How dare you! Such audacity to withhold this! A fire in the granary, presenting a poisoned stone—guards, drag XiaoShiKai out and behead him!"

"Mercy, Your Majesty! The fire was an accident. I'm already investigating it, intending to report once the cause is found. As for the jade pendant, I truly didn't know it was Fuyu jade. Please, Your Majesty, spare my life," XiaoShiKai pleaded, kowtowing on the ground.

As the guards seized XiaoShiKai, XiaoYongNian finally spoke after a long silence, "Your Majesty, I believe the fire in the granary is suspicious. It would be wise to wait for the investigation to conclude before making any decisions. Regarding the jade pendant, as the MoLan prince mentioned, Fuyu jade is rare and difficult to identify. My nephew may have been deceived by someone. If the stone is indeed poisonous, he would not dare present it as a gift to Your Majesty. Please, Your Majesty, spare his life for my sake."

ChengSangKing paced back and forth on the platform, his fury barely contained. The granary fire had consumed the winter reserves for the capital's populace. Yet, the Xiao family's influence in the court made him cautious. If he executed XiaoShiKai now, the Xiao family might withhold their military support in case of a winter war, complicating matters further. Additionally, there was still time to transport grain from the south before winter fully set in.

"Fine. In consideration of your service, XiaoYongNian, I will spare his life. As the MoLan prince suggested, let XiaoShiKai be confined with the jade pendant for three days. If he survives, I will pardon him. XiaoYongNian, you have three days to find the cause of the granary fire. If you fail, your family line will end."

A few days later, in the imperial study...

"Your Majesty, I disagree," LiLuoning said calmly.

"Oh, my esteemed tutor, the Emperor is granting you a mansion—a great honor! How can you refuse?" LiuGongGong coaxed gently.

ChengSangKing, initially taken aback by LiLuoning's outright refusal, grew curious. "Explain."

"Firstly, the granary fire has strained the treasury, making it unwise to undertake costly projects. Secondly, I already have a residence in the city and spend most of my time in the palace. A large mansion would be unnecessary. Thirdly, building a mansion in the capital would draw attention and visitors, distracting me from my duties as the Crown Prince's tutor. I have no intention of getting involved in court politics," LiLuoning explained.

ChengSangKing nodded in agreement, finding LiLuoning's reasoning sound. Given LiLuoning's current status, building a mansion in the city would indeed attract undue attention.

"LiuGongGong, you are wise. Since the tutor spends much time with the Crown Prince, why not expand the Crown Prince's East Wing for him?" LiuGongGong suggested.

"Yes, that will do. Carry on," ChengSangKing agreed.

LiLuoning bowed slightly and said, "I leave it to Your Majesty's discretion." Inwardly, he was pleased with the outcome, grateful for LiuGongGong's understanding.

At the MoLan prince's residence...

ChengSangMo was quietly reading in his study when a guard's voice came from outside. "Your Highness, the YunQing king seeks an audience."

"Why is he here? I understand," ChengSangMo said, puzzled. He and ShangGuanCY had never been on good terms, so his visit was unexpected.

In the reception hall, ShangGuanCY lifted his teacup, inhaling its fragrance. "The MoLan prince's residence truly lives up to its reputation. Even the tea smells exquisite."

A slight cough heralded ChengSangMo's entrance, cradling his white cat in his arms.

"Who would have thought the usually aloof MoLan prince has a fondness for cats," ShangGuanCY teased.

"What brings you here?" ChengSangMo asked bluntly.

ShangGuanCY took his time, sipping his tea before replying, "Nothing much. The Emperor sent me to investigate XiaoShiKai's embezzlement. I found a box of jade stones with your estate's seal. I thought I'd return them, as I don't touch what's not mine."

ChengSangMo's eyes darkened slightly, but he remained calm, stroking his cat. "How do you know they're mine without opening the box? Someone might have forged my estate's seal. I've heard XiaoShiKai, though alive, won't last long. You've played a clever game, CY, a move that benefits you greatly. Did someone teach you this?"

"Thanks for the reminder, MoLan prince. The fire in the granary spread unusually fast. It burned everything in one night. Perhaps there was something highly flammable stored there?" ShangGuanCY suggested, smiling mischievously.

"A miscalculation. Who would have thought the esteemed ShangGuan family scion associates so closely with a brothel boy?" ChengSangMo retorted.

"We both know his motives. But some things rightfully belong to certain people. If anyone tries to take advantage and seize what's not theirs, they're overestimating themselves," ShangGuanCY responded, twirling his fan.

"Seize what's not theirs? Even a magpie is still a magpie. True power lies with the eagle. If he dislikes it, let him live his life. A gilded cage can't compare to freedom," ChengSangMo said, placing his cat on the ground.

ChengSangMo's words reminded ShangGuanCY of MuJinling's advice, "If he doesn't like it, don't make him take the throne."

Both ChengSangMo and MuJinling shared the same enlightened perspective, one ShangGuanCY hadn't fully grasped.

As the white cat rubbed against ShangGuanCY's leg, he bent down to stroke its head. "A pure white cat is the most docile. Even a hint of another color ruins its beauty. Bloodlines should remain pure. I've delivered your goods, and I must return the rest to the treasury. Farewell."

As ShangGuanCY left, ChengSangMo's expression grew cold, his eyes harboring a hint of murderous intent. Tapping his fingers on the table, he summoned a guard from behind a screen.

"What are your orders, Your Highness?" the guard asked, kneeling.

"It's time to make a move," ChengSangMo replied, his voice icy.

A few days later, LinHuaichu seemed distracted all day, staring blankly out the window, oblivious to the end of their morning lessons.

LiLuoning and ChengSangJY exchanged a glance and then looked over at LinHuaichu.

"Huaichu~ Huaichu~" ChengSangJY walked over and gently nudged him.

LinHuaichu snapped back to reality. "Ah, what is it?"

"What's going on with you lately? You've been so distracted," ChengSangJY asked.

LinHuaichu sighed, his eyes lacking their usual spark. "You haven't heard?"

"Heard what?" ChengSangJY asked, confused.

LinHuaichu sighed again, resting his head on the desk and looking out the window, heavy with worry. "Rumors... The city is buzzing with them. My mother hasn't slept well for days. Now my brother gets dirty looks while patrolling, and I'm not even allowed into the inns I used to frequent."

ChengSangJY looked puzzled, completely unaware of what LinHuaichu was talking about. Living in the palace, he was out of touch with outside news.

LiLuoning walked over, pulling ChengSangJY aside and lowering his voice. "Your Highness, there's a rumor spreading throughout the capital. They say General Lin massacred the Northlands out of jealousy for Princess LanShi's affection for the Emperor. The townspeople are gossiping about it."

"That's impossible! Utter nonsense!" ChengSangJY exclaimed, outraged.

"Public opinion is terrifying. Whether it's true doesn't matter; people believe the rumors," LinHuaichu sighed wearily.

"The Lin family has been loyal and heroic for generations. Half of this kingdom stands thanks to your family's guardianship. I refuse to believe General Lin would massacre a city over a woman," ChengSangJY said angrily.

"Belief isn't enough. The people believe it," LinHuaichu replied, defeated.

LiLuoning pondered for a moment, suspecting there was more behind these rumors. Who was spreading them, and what was their goal?

A pair of black cloth shoes hurriedly trod on the stone path, entering a courtyard surrounded by bamboo. The breeze swayed the hanging drapes, casting shadows on the walls. The wind chimes on the porch tinkled, and a few wisps of smoke curled from the incense burner on the desk.

A teacup was gently placed down, leaving a glossy sheen on red lips. The alabaster skin and defined jawline suggested a strikingly handsome face. Long, slender fingers massaged a temple, eyes closed in contemplation.

"What did you find?" 

"We couldn't trace the source of the rumors, master."

Deep brown eyes opened slowly, the figure sitting up, one hand drumming rhythmically on the desk. "A storyteller in the city concocted these rumors for attention, and they spiraled out of control."

The deep brown eyes looked at the kneeling figure before him, tapping a folded fan against the desk. "What is the motive behind spreading these rumors? If believed, who stands to benefit the most? Send the northern spies to investigate thoroughly. I want every detail. Also, station a few death guards to monitor the Lin family and MoLan prince's residence. Report any movements immediately."

Meanwhile, MuJinling at Drunken Immortal Tower had also heard of the rumors. He exhaled a puff of smoke, lazily watching the bustling street below with a knowing smile. "What needs to be done will be done. There's no need for me to intervene. The New Year is approaching, and we should prepare some festive goods."

His aide understood immediately, bowed quietly, and left. MuJinling turned back to the moon, murmuring, "Interesting."

At the Crown Prince's residence, ChengSangJY asked again, "Master, are you sure you won't join us in the palace for the New Year?"

LiLuoning nodded, speaking gently, "I promised my disciple I would spend the New Year with her this year. I can't break my word."

LinHuaichu asked excitedly, "Master, you have a disciple? Why have you never mentioned her?"

LiLuoning had never spoken of Huazhiyue to them, not seeing the need and preferring to keep his personal matters private. "She travels often, and we rarely meet. But we always reunite on New Year's Eve," LiLuoning explained.

LinHuaichu suggested, "Then why not bring her to the palace? If you ask, the Emperor will surely agree."

ChengSangJY, after a moment of thought, responded thoughtfully, "If she travels often, she likely has much to share with you. Since you have plans, we won't insist. But if she wishes to visit the palace, please bring her."

LinHuaichu nodded in agreement, then suddenly remembered something. "Master, on the first day of the new year, there's a temple fair. The city will be very lively. Why don't we meet outside the palace then?"

"That sounds wonderful," LiLuoning agreed with a smile.

At LiLuoning's residence, a few snacks and vegetables were set on the table, along with several jars of Blue Snow Clear Brew.

Soon, the sound of the courtyard gate opening was followed by Huazhiyue's voice, "Master, Master, come out! Look who I brought!"

LiLuoning walked out, as if expecting this guest.