
At Drunken Immortal Tavern, MuJinling gazed at the moonlit sky, his delicate lips parting to release a wisp of ghostly white smoke. Although he appeared calm, his fingers constantly rubbing the windowsill betrayed his inner concern.

"Master," a shadow guard descended silently from the roof, kneeling on the ground.

"How did it go?" MuJinling asked.

"Master, as per your instructions, we have settled Mr. Yun and Mr. Lin," the shadow guard reported.

"Are they injured?" MuJinling inquired.

"We set up a net at the bottom of the cliff, so neither of them are hurt. However, both have been affected by the knockout powder and will need a few days to recover."

Satisfied with this outcome, MuJinling waved his hand, and the shadow guard disappeared into the darkness.

Knock, knock.

MuJinling tapped the window frame with his smoking pipe.

The door opened, and a woman walked in.

"Send two people to take care of them," MuJinling instructed.

ChengSangJY awoke with a splitting headache, his entire body aching as if it had been run over by a carriage.

As he moved, he realized someone was lying beside him. Turning his head, he saw that it was LinHuaichu, who had a white cloth over his eyes.

He tried to call out, but his throat felt like it was being torn apart. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't make a sound. Growing more anxious, he shook the still-unconscious LinHuaichu.

"Young master, you're awake," a woman entered with a basket.

ChengSangJY turned to her, bewildered. He wanted to greet her but could only nod and raise his hands in a gesture of greeting.

The woman put down her things, opened the lid of the stove, ladled some water into a bowl, added a fruit, and handed it to ChengSangJY, saying,

"I don't know which family you belong to, but you were found in the middle of the night deep in the mountains. If my husband hadn't happened to pass by, you two might have been wolf food."

ChengSangJY took the bowl and sipped the water. It tasted sweet and soothing, alleviating the rawness in his throat. He drank more, feeling much better. After putting down the bowl, he pointed to himself and then to the still-unconscious LinHuaichu.

The woman, understanding his gestures, kindly said,

"You're asking about your friend?"

ChengSangJY nodded vigorously.

"The young master's eyes are fine. We had someone look at him; he'll be okay in a few days. Don't worry. Your throat will also heal after drinking some water." She handed him a set of coarse clothes and pointed to his torn outfit,

"Your clothes are all ripped. Change into these, and I'll mend yours." She closed the door as she left.

ChengSangJY wanted to ask more but knew he couldn't speak. He changed clothes quickly and heard LinHuaichu groan from the bed. He rushed over, shaking his arm gently.

"Uh... ah! JY, JY!"

LinHuaichu called out, still disoriented.

ChengSangJY grabbed his flailing hand, trying to calm him down, but he couldn't speak. He held his hand tightly, hoping to reassure him.

Realizing he still couldn't see, LinHuaichu touched the cloth over his eyes, murmuring,

"I can't see..."

He suddenly remembered being blinded by the black-clad man's powder before they fell.

ChengSangJY, unable to speak, took LinHuaichu's hand and wrote in his palm.


"JY? Are you okay? Are you hurt? Where are we? Did they capture us?" LinHuaichu bombarded him with questions, anxiously feeling around to check for injuries. ChengSangJY scratched his head in frustration. One couldn't see, the other couldn't speak; it was maddening.

Noticing ChengSangJY wasn't answering, LinHuaichu grew more frantic, feeling around,

"JY, why aren't you talking? Are you hurt? What happened?"

Blindly groping around, LinHuaichu nearly fell off the bed, but ChengSangJY caught him by the chin. Smelling his familiar scent, LinHuaichu relaxed, confirming it was indeed ChengSangJY.

ChengSangJY, exasperated, pulled him back onto the bed and wrote in his palm again,


"Lost? Lost what? Your voice? You can't talk? What happened? Did they hurt you? Are you bleeding?" LinHuaichu panicked, almost jumping out of bed again.

ChengSangJY was at his wit's end. He couldn't speak, and LinHuaichu's barrage of questions left him unable to respond.

"Young master, are you dressed? I'm coming in," the woman knocked and entered, holding some fruits.

"Who's there?" LinHuaichu protectively placed himself between ChengSangJY and the woman.

The woman paused, then continued to the table, placing the fruits down,

"Both young masters are awake. I was just telling your friend how brave you city kids are, wandering into the mountains at night. Aren't you afraid of wolves?"

LinHuaichu remained vigilant,

"How do you know we are young masters?"

"Your clothes are a giveaway. I might not leave the mountains often, but I've been to the capital a few times. I recognize wealthy young masters when I see them," the woman explained.

ChengSangJY, trusting the woman, saw nothing wrong. Their clothes were indeed of fine quality, far superior to those of common folk. However, LinHuaichu sensed something amiss and cautiously asked,

"You said you don't leave the mountains often? Where are we exactly?"

The woman, speaking familiarly, tidied up the stove as she explained,

"We live some distance from the capital. We are of the Amish tribe, living in the mountains, farming and weaving. We seldom interact with outsiders."

ChengSangJY suddenly remembered that he had read about a tribe like this in a book. It was said that many years ago, a tribe lived deep in the mountains outside the city. They were self-sufficient farmers who rarely interacted with outsiders. Their ancestral teachings emphasized faith in heaven and earth, and each household lived off the land left by their ancestors. The tribe members were very united, helping each other with building houses and during weddings and funerals.

"Amish tribe?" 

LinHuaichu repeated, feeling ChengSangJY shake his hand. Though LinHuaichu didn't know this tribe, ChengSangJY's reaction indicated that he did.

"Sister, could you please go to the city and notify our family to come and take us back?" LinHuaichu asked. Regardless of whether her story was true or not, the priority was to get back home.

The woman's expression turned troubled as she replied,

"Oh, young master, it's not that I don't want to help you. We live deep in the mountains, and each family only has one cart. My husband just took a load to the city yesterday, and it might be some days before he returns. Even for a strong man, a one-way trip takes six or seven days on foot. As a woman, I can't endure such hardship, and I have an elderly mother to care for at home. How about this: you two stay here for now, and when my husband returns from the city, he can take you back to the capital. Does that work for you?"

"That far away!" 

ChengSangJY thought to himself. He had assumed they were just in the mountains outside the capital. How had they ended up so far away after just one night?

LinHuaichu was also surprised. They were too far from the capital. Even if they sent a message, it would take at least half a month for a round trip. Moreover, with him being temporarily blind and ChengSangJY unable to speak, they might not survive the journey back.

Outside the Drunken Immortal Tavern,

Officers cleared a path, shouting, as Xiao Yongnian dismounted from his horse.

Upstairs, MuJinling watched with a knowing smile.

The door to the private room opened, and Xiao Yongnian, sword at his side, walked in.

MuJinling timed his tea perfectly, pouring a cup and placing it on the table across from him,

"Lord Xiao, what a grand entrance. Even to visit a brothel, you need to make such a scene."

"Son of a traitor, how dare you come back!" Xiao Yongnian's voice was rough and filled with anger.

MuJinling, aware that Xiao Yongnian meant trouble, continued his actions calmly,

"The MuJin family is dead. I am now merely an official courtesan, scraping by at Drunken Immortal Tavern. Moreover, the MuJinXB of the past is dead; you took his body and threw it into the river. How can there be a traitor's son?"

Xiao Yongnian slammed his heavy hand on the table, shouting,

"Stop pretending. Do you think I don't know who you are? Capturing a traitor's son doesn't require the Minister of War to act personally; it should be an honor for a scoundrel like you."

As he finished, Xiao Yongnian signaled his guards to seize MuJinling.

"Lord Xiao, what a coincidence, you also like to have tea early in the morning?" ChengSangMo's voice came from the doorway.

"MoLan prince? What brings you here so early?"

"It's not surprising that I'm here; I had arranged to have tea with Mr. MuJin. But you, blocking the entrance and making it impossible for my carriage to pass, that's quite a hassle," ChengSangMo said as he walked to the window and sat down.

MuJinling handed ChengSangMo a cup of tea, feigning coquettishness,

"If you had been a moment later, this tea would have lost its perfect flavor, and I'd have to brew a new pot." He then sat softly on the floor, resting his head against ChengSangMo's leg.

Xiao Yongnian stood up and saluted,

"Someone suspects the Crown Prince's fall from the cliff is related to this traitor's son. I am here under orders to arrest the suspect."

ChengSangMo sipped his tea and, without looking up, asked,

"I just came from Father and didn't hear of any orders to arrest anyone today. Whose orders are you following? Moreover, with the Crown Prince's life at risk, shouldn't you be searching for him instead of troubling a nobody? Since when did the Ministry of War care about commoners?"

"Minister Xiao is acting under orders. I hope you will not interfere," Xiao Yongnian insisted, making it clear he intended to take MuJinling.

ChengSangMo leaned against the armrest, casually adjusted his robe, and crossed his legs, showing complete disregard for Xiao Yongnian.

"How are you so certain this brothel boy is involved with the Crown Prince? Based solely on your word? If that's the case, I might as well say this is related to you."

Xiao Yongnian maintained his stern expression, firmly stating,

"This is a serious matter. MoLan prince, please do not speak recklessly."

ChengSangMo ignored him, continuing,

"My brother is missing, and as his elder brother, I naturally have to search for him. Coincidentally, I found this at the cliff."

He pulled out the token he had found and waved it in front of Xiao Yongnian.

Xiao Yongnian naturally recognized the object and couldn't help but tense up, trying to maintain his composure,

"It's just a lost token. What does it prove?"

ChengSangMo seemed to have anticipated this response, smiling as he casually tossed the token in front of him,

"I don't know what it proves. But if I hand this token over to the Emperor, especially with the Crown Prince still missing, it won't be up to me to decide what it signifies."

Xiao Yongnian silently furrowed his brow. He hadn't expected the MoLan prince to protect MuJinling so staunchly. As he pondered his next move, a guard approached and whispered something in his ear. Xiao Yongnian's expression changed drastically,

"Is that true?"

Both ChengSangMo and MuJinling's expressions shifted slightly, but they remained perfectly composed.

ChengSangMo took the initiative to speak,

"Lord Xiao, it seems you have other pressing matters to attend to. Let's not waste each other's time. I still have things to discuss with Mr. MuJin. Unless you plan to stay and eavesdrop?"

Arresting MuJinling was initially Empress Xiao's idea. She wanted to seize this opportunity to pin a crime on MuJinling and have him imprisoned or killed, claiming it was a moment of panic in her efforts to save her son. Given MuJinling's status as a traitor's son, the Emperor likely wouldn't have objected. But encountering ChengSangMo was an unexpected obstacle, making it clear that taking MuJinling today was impossible.

"I won't disturb your enjoyment, Your Highness. I'll take my leave," Xiao Yongnian said begrudgingly, bowing before leaving.

After Xiao Yongnian left, the maid sensibly retreated from the room.

MuJinling glanced at the door, snorting softly before turning coquettishly and resting his head on ChengSangMo's knee, playing with the hem of his robe,

"How did the prince know Xiao Yongnian would come today?"

ChengSangMo put down his cup, straightened up, and looked down at MuJinling. His gaze was as if he was looking at a pet cat. He leaned down, his smile warm but with a chilling pressure, and gently lifted MuJinling's chin, forcing him to meet his eyes,

"You really do know how to attract attention, don't you?"

MuJinling tried to pull back, but ChengSangMo's grip was firm. So, he placed his hand on ChengSangMo's knee, playing along,

"Lord Xiao showed up with a crowd, making it impossible for me to stop him. Being a mere commoner, I couldn't possibly provoke an official. How could I know why Xiao Yongnian was looking for me?"

ChengSangMo tightened his grip, pulling MuJinling's face closer, his sharp eyes softened by a mocking smile,

"Really? Coincidentally, I have something to discuss with you as well."

In the mountains outside the city, LinMuchuan and ShangGuanCY had been stationed for three days.

"Any clues?" ShangGuanCY asked as LinMuchuan returned.

LinMuchuan, exhausted and dejected, shook his head,

"We've searched the entire mountain, even the crevices of the cliffs. Not a single clue. Whoever did this left no trace."

ShangGuanCY was equally worn out. He had barely slept, spending his days searching the mountains with LinMuchuan and his nights studying maps, pondering every possible search route. Rubbing his temples, he sighed,

"Not finding any traces isn't necessarily bad. It indirectly proves they weren't injured and might still be alive."

Despite his worries, LinMuchuan agreed with ShangGuanCY. He knew LinHuaichu well enough to believe that he would never leave ChengSangJY's side. The lack of any signs of them likely meant they were still together. As long as LinHuaichu was with ChengSangJY, the Crown Prince was relatively safe.

"General Lin, Li Taifu requests an audience," a guard reported from outside.

"Invite him in immediately," both LinMuchuan and ShangGuanCY said simultaneously.

Before they finished speaking, Li Luoning entered. Just as he was about to salute, ShangGuanCY stopped him, speaking urgently,

"Sir, have you heard?"

ShangGuanCY had sent out over thirty people to find Li Luoning, but no one had seen him anywhere. He knew Li Luoning possessed some mystical knowledge and hoped he might help.

Li Luoning nodded,

"I've heard the general situation on the way here."

"Can you help?" 

ShangGuanCY clung to this hope like a lifeline. He had tried everything but found nothing.

Li Luoning had pondered whether revealing his abilities to ShangGuanCY was wise, but ChengSangJY's safety was paramount. Without further hesitation, he nodded, extending his left hand, and conjured a golden spell in his right hand. As he manipulated the spell into a golden thread, LinMuchuan and ShangGuanCY watched in awe. With a flick of his fingers, Li Luoning sent the golden thread flying in a direction.

"Southwest," Li Luoning pointed out the direction.

"Thank you."

LinMuchuan immediately ran out of the tent, and ShangGuanCY nodded in thanks, following him.

"Lord Yunqing," Li Luoning called out.

ShangGuanCY turned back, seeing Li Luoning hesitate, glancing at the spell. Understanding, he said,

"Rest assured, sir. We will not speak of the spell to anyone."

Li Luoning nodded gratefully,

"Thank you. The journey to where the Crown Prince is will take several days, even at full speed. I'll go ahead and check on them, and I'll leave when you are close."

ShangGuanCY, though internally astonished by Li Luoning's abilities, maintained his composure,

"Sir, how are JY and the others?"

"They are not in mortal danger."

Deep in the mountains, after a few days of rest, ChengSangJY could finally speak,

"Huaichu, it's time to eat."

ChengSangJY brought over the food, his voice hoarse.

LinHuaichu, who could now discern some light, groped to sit at the table, smelling the food,

"JY, who knew this rural place could have such appetizing meals."

ChengSangJY smiled weakly, shaking his head. During these days, while LinHuaichu rested, he helped Aunt Qiu in the fields, doing whatever he could. Feeling it was only right to repay their kindness, he assisted with the farm work, despite not being used to such labor.

Earlier that day, the sun was particularly hot,

ChengSangJY, working in the fields, was soon drenched in sweat. The pampered Crown Prince quickly felt dizzy and lightheaded under the scorching sun.

Just as he was about to faint, a straw hat appeared over his head. ChengSangJY turned to see Aunt Qiu smiling kindly at him,

"Silly boy, can't you see the sun is too hot?"

ChengSangJY replied sheepishly,

"But I haven't finished my work."

"No one works in the fields at noon; you'll get heatstroke. Come, let me pick a melon for you," Aunt Qiu said.