
Nineteen years ago,

In the great desert, the wind stirred up sand, failing to extinguish the flames consuming the bodies of fallen soldiers. The broken city gates swayed with hanging corpses, and the dripping blood resembled a mocking silken thread trampled under the hooves of horses. The roads within the city no longer retained their original colors.

The air in Beimo City was thick with smoke, laden with the nauseating stench of blood. The corpses of civilians and soldiers, covered in blood, lay strewn across the streets. In the distance, the occasional clash of warhorses echoed.

"Swish~" An arrow sliced through the air, striking down a struggling cavalryman.

"Excellent shot, Your Highness," the deputy general praised.

ChengSangKing smiled in satisfaction and asked,

"How many men from the Lin family's vanguard?"

"Forty-five Lin family vanguard soldiers, all killed."

ChengSangKing nodded, pondering for a moment before asking,

"What about the rest of the troops?"

"The remaining cavalry is on the way, and they should reach the city gate in about the time it takes to burn an incense stick."

ChengSangKing handed his bow to the deputy general beside him and commanded,

"The Lin family's vanguard soldiers, disobeying orders and launching a night raid on Beimo City, have been completely annihilated. General Lin died in battle."

Just as he finished speaking, a voice filled with despair and rage echoed from the city walls,


ChengSangKing turned his horse toward the voice, seeing a woman in Beimo attire standing on the city wall. Her pale blue clothes fluttered violently in the wind, revealing her thin frame. The woman's face was pale, her eyes filled with tears of fury, and her trembling lips cursed,

"ChengSangKing, you treacherous, unfaithful scoundrel! You killed my lover, took my city, slaughtered my people, and sullied my honor. Even in death, I, Lan Shi, will not forgive you. I curse you with my life; you will reap what you sow, be betrayed by all, and never have a peaceful end!"

Seeing the woman clearly, ChengSangKing's expression visibly panicked. He shouted urgently,

"Lan Shi, don't do anything rash!"

Lan Shi's eyes were filled with an endless void, her decision seemingly made. She took a step forward, reaching the edge of the city wall.

Seeing this, ChengSangKing spurred his horse into a frantic gallop toward her, shouting,

"Lan Shi, don't act impulsively. Even if not for me, think of Mo'er."

Princess Lan Shi, standing at the edge, swayed like a pale blue leaf about to fall, her body gently rocking in the wind. She suddenly smiled eerily and seemed to say something, but her words were drowned out by the sound of ChengSangKing's galloping horse. In her eyes, despair marked its final tear as she stepped forward. The high city wall brought a clear, bone-shattering sound and a sudden halt to the desperate shouts.

"No!" ChengSangKing sat up in terror on the dragon bed.

Outside the curtains, Liu Gonggong asked,

"Your Majesty, was it another nightmare? Should I call Li Taifu to check on you?"

ChengSangKing got out of bed, and Liu Gonggong draped a robe over him, following him outside.

"Liu Gonggong, isn't Mo'er's birthday coming up?"

"Yes, Your Majesty, in about a month. The third day of next month is MoLan prince's birthday," Liu Gonggong replied.

ChengSangKing sighed. He had been feeling uneasy these past few days. After a moment of thought, he instructed Liu Gonggong,

"Inform him that he will celebrate his birthday in the capital this year."

In the Bamboo Garden,

"The Xiao family's token, did you intentionally leave it for ChengSangMo?" ShangGuanCY asked while sipping his tea.

"What token?" MuJinling exhaled a plume of smoke.

"You planned it all along, didn't you? To help him seize Xiao Yongnian's military power," ShangGuanCY's expression darkened as he stared at MuJinling.

"I merely returned a favor. Is there a need to be so serious?" MuJinling's smile was enigmatic, his eyes full of cunning.

ShangGuanCY suddenly clenched his fist and pounded the table, his voice low with anger,

"Military power is significant. Surely you understand its weight. You tricked me into thinking we could secretly ally with ChengSangMo to eliminate the Xiao family. MuJinXB, you even calculated against me!"

MuJinling raised an eyebrow, seemingly surprised by ShangGuanCY's anger. He exhaled smoke and replied soothingly,

"Haven't you always wondered how I became the young master of Zuiyue Pavilion? ChengSangMo sent me there, ensuring I disappeared from everyone's sight. Coincidentally, the North Pavilion discovered my jade pendant, leading me to learn my mother was the missing North Pavilion master. So, I owe ChengSangMo a favor. He gave me a significant power; it's only fair I return a grand gift."

"So, you handed over the entire capital's military power to him?" ShangGuanCY questioned.

"Not entirely. Think of it as a temporary deposit. If I can help him gain it, I can also make him lose it. Besides, you have my entire Zuiyue Pavilion at your command and LinMuchuan's cavalry. Why worry about a bit of military power?" MuJinling reassured.

ShangGuanCY's tone shifted, losing its confidence,

"I haven't found the right moment to talk to Muchuan yet. I'm not sure he'll support me."

In the MoLan Prince's mansion,

"Your Highness, an envoy from the palace came with a message that the Emperor has ordered a banquet in the palace for your birthday this year," reported a guard.

ChengSangMo's eyebrows furrowed. He usually went to Beimo, using the pretext of mourning his mother, to plan his next moves. Now, he would need another strategy.

"Why would he suddenly decide to hold a banquet in the palace?" ChengSangMo mused.

Pondering for a while without saying more, ChengSangMo noticed the guard hadn't left. He asked,

"Is there something else?"

"Two months ago, someone sent a gift for your birthday. Since the Emperor is holding a banquet, should you open it now?" 

"A gift sent three months early?" ChengSangMo was surprised. After a moment's thought, he decided to have it brought up.

Inside a beautifully crafted box, an object was wrapped in light blue silk, with a letter on top.

"Your Highness, this is something the Princess gave me years ago. On the occasion of your birthday, I return it to you. The Princess often said, 'Jade dew intoxicates spring grass, golden sands reflect the evening glow.' The people of Beimo believe that one day, Your Highness will rise again and restore Beimo to its former glory."

Unwrapping the blue silk, a small, intricately designed Beimo-style dagger came into view.

In the Crown Prince's residence,

"All things thrive when rooted in their essence; all endeavors succeed when guided by the right path..." LiLuoning read from a book, noticing ChengSangJY staring blankly.

Since learning about the massacre of the Amish villagers, ChengSangJY had been acting strangely, often lost in thought.

LiLuoning tapped the table lightly to get his attention. LinHuaichu also noticed ChengSangJY's unusual behavior and asked,

"JY, what's wrong with you lately? You seem so distracted."

"Ah, Master, I'm sorry. I might just be tired," ChengSangJY replied, snapping back to reality.

LiLuoning put down his book and asked,

"Do you want to talk about it?"

ChengSangJY hesitated for a moment, then nodded and asked,

"Master, the book says, 'If one is not upright, commands will not be obeyed; if one leads by example, people will follow; if one leads by words alone, people will dispute. To preserve oneself is paramount; to maintain life is secondary; death follows, and being forced into it is the worst.' But as the Crown Prince, if I can't protect my benefactors, how can I protect the people in the future? If power and status can't protect those I care about, what's the point of having them?"

The Amish village massacre had deeply affected ChengSangJY. Although it was Xiao Yongnian's personal action, ChengSangJY couldn't shake the feeling that their rescue of him had led to their doom.

Inherent goodness in people, the teachings in books are meant to guide the virtuous to recognize evil, tolerate wrongdoing, and accept tragedy. But no one can explain why some people are born evil, why some are destined for power and can act with impunity, while others are born destitute, their lives as insignificant as ants.

ChengSangJY, inherently kind and sensitive, believed the world should be fair. In his view, treating everyone sincerely and kindly should be reciprocated with the same level of honesty and warmth. Yin and Yang, cause and effect—everything should be in a balanced cycle. Yet, why did everything he witnessed contradict this belief? He was dutiful and filial to his mother and respectful to his brother, but all he received were his mother's cold remarks and his brother's harsh words. He repaid the kindness of Qiu Dajie and her family, only to bring them a fatal disaster, wiping out their entire village. Everything he did and received was never fair or proportional.

"Your Highness, Your Highness, something terrible has happened!" Duogongguan's panicked voice suddenly echoed from outside. He rushed in, out of breath.

"What happened?" ChengSangJY asked.

"The Empress, the Empress, she suddenly started raving in her chambers, and the palace maids and nannies can't stop her. Please, you and Li Taifu must go and see her," Duogongguan reported.

Inside the Empress's chambers, the sound of breaking porcelain accompanied Empress Xiao's frantic shouts.

"Your Grace, please be careful..." The palace maids tried to calm her but didn't dare to approach her.

"Get out, all of you! You vile women trying to seduce the Emperor! Even if I'm incompetent, it's not your place to throw yourselves at him," Empress Xiao, with disheveled hair and wild eyes, threw objects at the people around her.

When ChengSangJY and LiLuoning arrived, a teacup flew out of the room, which LiLuoning swiftly caught.

"Mother?" ChengSangJY called out, seeing the chaotic state of the chambers.

Hearing ChengSangJY's voice, Empress Xiao stopped what she was doing, turned her head, and looked toward the door. Her previously wild eyes suddenly calmed, and she regained her usual dignified demeanor as she walked toward ChengSangJY step by step.

"JY, something's not right with the Empress," LinHuaichu whispered.

ChengSangJY also sensed something amiss but stood his ground, watching Empress Xiao approach.

As soon as LiLuoning entered the Empress's chambers, he frowned, surveying the surroundings, his nostrils flaring slightly as if he detected something.

"Yun'er, why are you here?" Empress Xiao asked, holding ChengSangJY's face in her hands.

ChengSangJY was momentarily at a loss, the gesture being quite unusual, and replied,

"I heard that Mother was unwell, so I came to see you. Would you let Li Taifu examine you?"

Empress Xiao didn't answer immediately. She pondered for a while, then looked back at ChengSangJY's face, staring intently before suddenly grabbing his neck, her voice filled with venom,

"So alike, those eyes are so alike. If it weren't for the traitors back then, it wouldn't be your turn. You all deserve to die!"

No one expected Empress Xiao to suddenly strangle ChengSangJY. LinHuaichu, shocked, rushed forward to pull him back, but the Empress's grip was too strong.

"Mother, (cough) Mother~" ChengSangJY struggled to breathe.

LiLuoning swiftly tapped a few acupoints on Empress Xiao's body, causing her to collapse. The palace maids and nannies hurried to lift her onto the bed.

"Are you okay?" LiLuoning asked, his eyes filled with anger and confusion as he looked at Empress Xiao, thinking, "What did she just say?"

ChengSangJY rubbed his neck and shook his head, asking,

"Master, what happened to my mother?"

"Could the Empress have gone mad because Xiao Yongnian was imprisoned?" LinHuaichu whispered.

LiLuoning continued to search the room, his eyes finally landing on an incense burner. He opened it, examined the ashes, and asked,

"Did the Empress use calming incense?"

"Yes, Taifu, the Empress has used it for over a decade to help her sleep," a maid replied.

LiLuoning picked up an unused stick of calming incense, sniffed it, then put it down, saying,

"The incense isn't the problem."

He flipped the incense burner lid and used a hairpin to dislodge several small black pills from the soot-covered interior.

"What are these?" ChengSangJY asked, looking at the tiny black pellets.

"It's Wu Yu Xiang, a special incense that induces hallucinations," LiLuoning explained.

"So well hidden, no one else could have found it," LinHuaichu remarked.

LiLuoning felt uneasy, thinking,

"Who could be so skillful as to poison the Empress's chambers twice without being detected? If this person has a grudge only against the Empress, it's one thing. But if they target JY..."

"The Emperor arrives!"

Hearing this, everyone quickly bowed.

"Rise," ChengSangKing said.

ChengSangKing's expression was off, indicating he wasn't just there to visit the Empress. A squad of the Imperial Guard accompanied him.

ChengSangKing glanced at the unconscious Empress Xiao, then motioned for the Imperial Guards to start searching the chambers.

ChengSangJY, LiLuoning, and LinHuaichu stood bewildered, wondering if the Emperor was also searching for Wu Yu Xiang. They were unsure whether to stay or leave.

"We found it!" someone shouted.

ChengSangKing quickly approached. Hidden beneath Empress Xiao's bed was a secret compartment containing a box and several letters.

The items were presented to ChengSangKing. After quickly reading through the letters, he took the box and removed the cover.

LinHuaichu, watching intently, gasped in shock when he saw the contents, frantically shaking ChengSangJY's arm.

"What's wrong?" ChengSangJY whispered.

LinHuaichu, too stunned to speak, gestured wildly. When ChengSangJY still didn't understand, LinHuaichu pulled him aside, his face pale with fear, and pointed towards the Emperor.

ChengSangJY followed his gaze and saw that ChengSangKing held several letters and a jade seal.

In the palace, ChengSangKing's hand trembled as he held the imperial seal, inscribed with the words: "Empress of the Heavenly Emperor." He raised his hand and smashed the seal to the ground, shouting,

"Treachery! Ambition! Announce my decree: the women of the Xiao family, for their attempted rebellion, shall be imprisoned immediately. All nine clans are to be implicated and executed in the autumn."

The Imperial Guard received the order and dragged the still-unconscious Empress Xiao away. Among those present, only LiLuoning noticed the exchanged glance between the old nanny serving Empress Xiao and one of the guards. However, he remained focused on the incense burner.

A guard hesitated beside ChengSangJY, unsure of what to do. According to the decree, ChengSangJY, being part of the Xiao family by blood, should also be implicated.

LinHuaichu looked the guard up and down, saying,

"So, the Xiao family rebels, and you intend to end the royal line of ChengSang? How absurd!"

ChengSangKing glanced at the three of them, sighed, and left without a word.

ChengSangJY stood there, dazed, still processing the recent events. The Xiao family, rebellious? His mother aiming to become Empress? All her teachings just for show? And what did she mean by those words while strangling him? His father had only his mother as his wife, so who was she referring to? If his father executed his mother, should he plead for her life or not? This was his bloodline: one side slaughtering villages, the other plotting to usurp power. What would he become?

ChengSangJY felt his mind spinning, voices growing louder and more chaotic. Dizziness overtook him, and he felt warmth rise from his chest to his throat.


He coughed up a mouthful of blood, his vision blurring as he collapsed. The sound of LinHuaichu's frantic calls grew fainter until everything went dark.

At Du Ming Xuan,

"Master, we have discovered that the person who sent the gift to MoLan prince is named Nan Zhu, who was once the personal maid of Princess Lan Shi of Beimo," reported the spy.

"A maid? So, there are still those who know about General Lin Yuan and Princess Lan Shi's past."

"The soldiers Xiao family sent to Beimo were long replaced by MoLan prince's men. In Beimo, the one who has constant contact with him is someone named Bei Yu," the spy continued.

"Nan Zhu and Bei Yu? Interesting. Have our people investigate. I want to know everything about General Lin Yuan and Princess Lan Shi. And I mean everything!"

"Yes, Master. Additionally, the medicinal herb you mentioned earlier—only one fits the criteria of being easily mixed in without detection: cistanche."

In the dungeon,

The door to Xiao Yongnian's cell suddenly opened, and several guards entered.

"I demand to see the Emperor. This is all a setup. I must see the Emperor," Xiao Yongnian said.

The guards ignored him, knocking him unconscious and dragging him out. A person of similar build took his place, facing away from the cell door.

When Xiao Yongnian awoke, he found himself in the outskirts of the capital. Through the hood over his head, he could faintly hear birds singing.

"Xiao Daren, long time no see. How have you been?" MuJinXB greeted him.

Someone roughly removed the hood, revealing MuJinXB calmly sipping tea across from him. Xiao Yongnian snorted disdainfully,

"So, it was you, the remnant of a treacherous official."

MuJinXB twirled his smoke pipe, smiling mockingly,

"Xiao Daren, isn't it a bit late to realize this now?"

Realizing his dire situation, Xiao Yongnian adopted a defiant tone,

"An official's son, a court prostitute. Sparing your life back then was a mistake. I underestimated you, you bookworm."

"A scholar? A prostitute? A traitor's son? Who bestowed these upon me if not you?" MuJinXB sneered.

Ignoring further insults, Xiao Yongnian continued,

"I am in your hands now. A defeat is a defeat. Do as you will."

Feigning nonchalance, MuJinXB replied,

"Such righteous words. One might think I'm the villain here. No matter. Look behind you at that grove. I planted those golden trees just for you. I'm a reasonable man. Answer one question honestly, and I'll grant your family a quick death."

Scoffing, Xiao Yongnian retorted,

"My daughter is the Empress. No matter your skill, you can't overturn the harem. I bet you want to know what happened during the year your mother was imprisoned in the palace."

"Xiao Daren is wise," MuJinXB said, though his grip on the smoke pipe tightened.

"Your mother's beauty was renowned. A pity it was wasted on that scholar Qianmu. Blame her beauty that ensnared even the Emperor. She was just a broodmare for the ChengSang family," Xiao Yongnian spat, laughing maniacally.

MuJinXB, unable to contain his rage, snapped the smoke pipe. His lips pressed into a tight line, and his eyes turned icy. A flick of his hand sent small splinters flying, cutting Xiao Yongnian's vocal cords and immobilizing his legs.

"Toss him in," MuJinXB ordered coldly.

At the Crown Prince's Residence,

After several days of unconsciousness, ChengSangJY finally awoke, coughing softly, which caught LiLuoning's attention.

LiLuoning brought a bowl of water, gently helping ChengSangJY sit up.

"Master, where am I?" ChengSangJY asked weakly.

LiLuoning smiled, supporting him,

"Don't speak. Drink some water first. You were overwhelmed with anger and need a few days to recover."

LinHuaichu, who had been napping nearby, suddenly snored loudly, making both LiLuoning and ChengSangJY chuckle. Seeing LinHuaichu's exhaustion, ChengSangJY realized he must have stayed by his side the entire time.

"Taifu, Yun Qingyi is here," Duogongguan announced from outside.