Chapter 7

Leilania stood up and revealed her lovely silken blue dress, fitting around her curvy bodice as she bit her bottom lip sweetly, "Of course, may I take your arm, Alex?" She asked as she took his arm in hers as she began walking around and showing him every room and where they were.

The both walked up the spiraling staircase that was basically a network within the massive crystal tree that the kingdom harbored as its land. The first floor was a royal hangout of sorts. a large group of royal families resided within this wide and vast hall, socializing before they all saw the princess. they gave a beloved bow to her but some froze in confusion and fear at the sight of Alexandru. Alex simply lowered his head and gave a softer bow to them. 

Alex approached her and happily held her arm as she walked through the halls, "I'm fascinated over the fact that you can recall the interior of your home purely out of memory," he admitted.

They continued onto the tour and up the tree they went. Leilania showed him the center forest. Inside the tree was an immense garden full of flowers and other assortment of plants and trees. The intense aroma of these scented plants made Alex a little ill. However, he did absolutely adore the sight of it. On the other hand... He could smell home grown garlic. He did not want to stay much longer at the center forest. 

The rest of the kingdom was exactly as expected, the diner, the rooms, and homes within it. Alex felt blessed to be in this home she had protected her decades from his father. All he could think of however, was how much he appreciated her company and safety.

Then they reach the lab at the very top of the tree, "This is the Alchemy lab… This place should have your mothers notes hidden around here somewhere. It hasn't been touched much, from my understanding, since she left."

As they entered the alchemy lab. He studied the lab. Everything within seemed so ancient. Like the style was a little over a century ago which would have made sense since Alex was a little over 162 years old. Alex spoke, "If her notes were here chances are, whomever took her life either had burn these notes or had taken them out of here. You said it has not been touched much since then? that implies someone had been in here after. chances are they were the ones... But that's just a hypothesis."

She thought for a moment, rubbing her face, "In order to use the alchemy lab, one has to file a report through the king or queen... Unfortunately, due to my fathers death and my coma, many came, have snuck in and taken what they were looking for. However, I'm sure we will find something in here..." she realized quickly just how hopeless she was in this situation, "I'll stand at the door, though... I am not familiar with the rooms layout... I dare not accidentally destroy something we need."

Alex gave a soft smile to the precious and beautiful elf and spoke, "Oh~ Leilania. I doubt you could ever make a nuisance out of yourself." He then rushed into the lab and began rummaging through drawers and cabinets. He found folders full of notes, clearly written by the same handwriting. It was definitely his mothers notes. He read a bit of them silently as he spoke, "how fascinating. She was studying blood and trying to synthesize it as well. She must have been a few steps ahead of all of us..." he kept sifting through the notes and silently noticed side notes on one of the files...

If I were to figure out this process, I need to be with him for a few months. Figure out what would taste proper and better. What nutrients they need to survive, and I got to do it without Dalia knowing, or any one of her friends.

Alex remained puzzled for a second and walked back to the front door. He was about to speak but the moment he did there was a thwipping sound, several meters away outside. The window of the lab shattered as an arrow flew straight towards Alex, but if he dodged, the arrow would go straight to the princess. He chose to flit. Using the blistering speed of a vampire, Alex pulled Leilania down to the ground, before the arrow grazed his back and went thud, stuck into the wooden wall of the hall. He braced her fall holding her by her shoulders.

"Woah... Are you alright, Princess?" he asked as he held her.

She laid there for a moment. Her heart pounded as she could hear her blood rushing through her fragile frame as he laid atop her, her soft breast pushed against him, in a quite lewd manner. When he sat her up, her clothes were in slight disarray showing more of her pale porcelain skin that he could easily devour. Her cheeks and ears were dusted crimson as she nodded slowly, "I-Im alright M-My lord... T-Thank you."

He peaked out the window with crimson eyes. Nobody was there where the arrow was fired. "Someone tried to steak me out, but was not aware of your presence. It's no longer safe for you to be with me. Get your guards and get to safety."

Leilania shook her head, "N-No! Alex, I want to help you..." That's when she reached around him and felt his bloodied back, "You're hurt...Come with me." She got up from beneath him and rang for the guards to clean the mess and grab the arrow. In just a few seconds they were there taking the arrow from the wall. They then handed it to Leilania. She swiftly grabbed Alex's hand and led him to to her room straight from the lab.

Alex spoke firmly, "I'm fine. It's just a scratch. Don't worry about me. I'll heal fast, but I cant let you be the only one involved now, if your life is in danger." he followed her into her room

The royal guards were posted outside as she set Alex on her own vanity and pushed the arrow into this fascinating liquid bubble that hovered shortly over her desk.

Leilania yelled for a maid that came rushing in to help her clean and mend Alex's wound while it seemed the princess knew she had to work quickly, her hands fluttering over the orb with the arrow as she chanted quietly.

Alex watched her work on the arrow, but the moment he realized what she may have been doing, he felt numbness in his lips and his vision got hazy as his throat then suddenly closed. Alex gasp and immediately fell to his knees grasping his neck with his mouth wide open desperately trying to let his air way travel at all. It was like a vice had clamped down on his throat. No air leaving or entering. Blood flow was slowing down from his brain and started scratched the floor, panicking. vampires need blood to travel constantly. too long of this and he would fade in a matter of seconds.

"Just one second more... Hold on Alex," Leilania said firmly as she realizes just how bad of a problem this had become. Her eyes remained on the wound on his back. she was locked on the wound, not losing sight of it until suddenly she screamed, "RELEASE!" She pulled her hands apart and a green liquid shot out from his back and onto the floor and he could breathe, but he was indeed still gasping.

The princess got down, found his head and forced it to her neck. "Alex... I'll be fine, but you need new fluids, now. We don't have time to get you animal blood. Drink some of mine! Sarah, clean his back and dispose of that awful poison,' she ordered her maid.

"But, my lady. He may-"

"WE DONT HAVE TIME!" Leilania shouted desperately, "LISTEN TO YOUR QUEEN!"

"Y-Yes my lady!" She quickly began using a spell on his back to clean it of any and all impurities. Leilania's blood was pumping right before his mouth and nose.

Alex panick slightly subsided as his lungs suddenly filled with air again. He instinctively clung to Leilania. his fingers dug and clenched deep onto her shoulders, but his fangs would not touch her neck.

He would not do it. He had forbid himself to do it. Every fiber of his being demanded blood but not from her. Not from someone as nice as her. He cant do any of this. Not without her. He hissed at her neck before he spoke in a growl, "You're just begging to die, aren't you!!" he shoved her back and swiftly crawled like a creature of the night. He scattered himself to the far corner next to the bed, growling like a feral cat. His teeth gritted with his fangs drooling his saliva, "I WONT!!" I CAN'T!!" he roared out as he covered his eyes from the sudden brightness from the windows. The sun never bothered him like this before. He shook and shivered harshly. His body felt rejected by the holy light of the gods.