Chapter 9

Leilania sighed as he lectured her. She was only doing what she thought was best. As a blind person who could be easily overpowered, she felt she like she had to act for her friend.

She waved the maids and guards to take Alex back. Alex silently walked with the guard. He figured needed time to sort this out, after yelling at her. She then reached for the guards to take her to Mr. Blitz Forn.

As they walked, her mind wandered.

He said that this was his family… That he couldn't risk loosing it too…Does he really feel that way towards a family he does not even know? Could he possibly see me like that too?

The kings vault was a large steel wall with a crystal latch that was a handle. Before it was a man at a desk. He was enthralled with a gizmo in his hands. Some tool to pass the time. He narrow eyes were focused on it until he had heard the clacking of feet.

She shook the thoughts away as she heard a new presence. " Sir Blitz Forn? I need the antidote for the guards poison arrows. " She ordered as the guards at her sides and the two behind her stood ready.

He stood straight and his brown hair covered his eyes. A green streak in his bangs made his face seem slightly cuter but he seemed very shy and submissive at first appearance. He had never seen the princess this close. He gave a soft glance and averted his gaze as he spoke, "My princess. The antidote you speak of is a complex cocktail. If you could specify the symptoms of the type of poison, I can provide you the proper antidote," He admitted softly.

"The green poison that was imbued into the guards arrows before the war. It was SUPPOSED to be destroyed. Please do not play coy, this is not a game. You will get me the correct antidote," The two guards in the back readied their spears in defense. Her stature was firm, her feet placed firmly on the ground as her ears listened…for sounds, a change in tone…she was going to see if he would lie to her. 

The boy had his hands up the moment he saw the spears get readied and he spoke firmly. "I assure you, my lady. I am aware of all the poisons me and my old team used to make but they were all used during the war. Some were designed to be instantaneous, others would lock up their nervous system and make it last up to 30 minutes, if the poison is given the proper dosage. I can't provide you the wrong antidote. There would be so much damage given if I do that. I promise you, my lady, the arrows what were ordered to be destroyed, the king specifically said to always keep the antidotes in case we ever need to make the poisons ever again or if we ever made a definitive poison so we could make an antidote just as easily." He seemed nervous and scared but it was clear he was simply doing his job and he was not going to let a young woman make him fail at it, even if it was the princess.

Her ears flexed, "A poison that causes sensitivity to light. Initial choking and blocking of blood flow, followed by unconsciousness and weakness. I have not observed any other symptoms yet," she gave a soft huff and spoke desperately, "Blitz. Someone's life is on the line. A poison that is supposed to no longer exist, if more people get infected by it… Please," The princess pleaded, removed her blind fold to show her blind eyes, dripping tears down her reddened cheeks.

Blitz was unaware of the situation for the second but the moment he realized his princess was in distress, he swiftly rushed to open the vault without any other question and entered the vault, "You speak of the Thelvon Toxin. So, the Thelvon antidote would cure the victim within minutes. Though, it's an unpleasant process. If anyone has their own Thelvon Toxin, it has to be members of the Thelvon family... but that couldn't be the case..." He said as he pulled out a sealed glass ampule that had a bunch of old elven text on the paper attached to the ampule, "This is it. If the dose was full you only have a matter of minutes!"

Leilania had a guard take it and run to the infirmary with it. The blind princess gently held Blitz's arm. " Thank you… Thank you so much… tell me… how couldn't this be the case? Who of the Thelvon family would have it and do such a thing?" She wiped at her tears.

Blitz stood not so confidently as he took a step back away from her out of respect as he spoke softly, "I-I haven't A clue. It was but a guess, since the person who made the toxin is no longer alive. I understand the Thelvon family is massive but Serenity had admitted she had her own archives in her family's home. I promised to keep that information to myself but if lives are at stake, I feel it may be irrelevant to keep hidden," Blitz enjoyed being this close to the princess but understood that the distance between them is supposed to be staggering, so he remained distant.

She let her hands find him once more as she placed a kiss on his cheek, "Thank you Blitz. Please, if possible... Make more of this antidote. We may need it," She waved to let her guards lead her back as she whispered to one guard's ear, "Locate Serenity Thelvon. Do not bind her or approach her. We need her unaware. She may be armed and dangerous. Inform the other guards ONLY and be ready for anything."

Blitz stood frozen and in shock when the royal woman after his time had embraced him in such a loving way. He had no thought and had to process the sudden situation.

"Yes, My Lady," He hurried off as the other two lead her into the infirmary as she waited with baited ears.

The guard rushed into the infirmary handing the vial to the Druids healing him as they quickly injected it into him, chanting and praying for the best. Within the infirmary, Alex had started sweating profusely before suddenly rushing up and retching up bile, violently into a bin nearby. Coagulated blood spewing out of his mouth as he screech in vile and disgusting sounds. Alex could feel it, though. The toxins were leaving his body. He was feeling better with each erupting bile that spewed from his mouth.

Druids we're closing his back wound and stood by with a goblet of blood to help him recover as the princess got on her knees before him, ignoring the sounds and stench and more concerned on her soon-to-be husband, "How are you feeling, Alex? I learned something you may like to hear," She spoke in a hushed tone, "The only one's who should have this Toxin are those of the Thelvon Family. We are hunting down one named Serenity, she was said to hold the Toxins."

Alex had a moment as he panted softly, giving a soft spit into the bin he had been vomiting into. He listen quietly to her before he grabbed the goblet and chugged it down, eagerly. He gulped and gulped and threw the goblet aside before hugging her firmly. "I'm sorry. I should have never shouted at you. I should have never been so blinded over this investigation. I should have focused on our trade and peace treaty before anything else... I should have never hurt you." He shook lightly as he clung to her. His body felt so finite, but it was visible that in a manner of seconds, he was recovering.

Leilania's eyes widened. She blinked before slowly she wrapped her arms around him in a loving embrace. The Princess hushed him, "Shhhhh... There there, my lord… It's alright. I'm just glad you're okay. That poison affected your body in ways that's beyond me. I knew you didn't mean to hurt me," Her embrace broke before she had her stunning face met his, "I've sent my guards to find her… We will find her and we will avenge your mother. Then our peace can truly begin when you take my hand," She smiled and pulled him back into their embrace. She laid her hands over his new scar and traced it, "You saved my life, you know. Thank you."

He listened silently as he rubbed the back of her head. Alex broke his embrace to look at her and then her neck before leaving her touch, "We have no proof that any of the Thelvons had done anything. We must treat them like anyone else when we investigate them. That being said, I know we are getting closer... Whoever killed my mother shall be paying for their acts, soon enough," He held her hand lightly rubbing his thumb on hers as he stood up, "However I wish for us to call it a day. Enough danger has been met and we can no longer rely on our wits without the royal guard constantly blowing our cover. First thing, early in the morning though.. We enter the Thelvon home and find out exactly who or what had killed my mother."

She nodded then stopped for a moment before squeezing his hands, "I want you in my room tonight. I do not feel safe leaving you alone. Our intruder will not dare. I'm enter my guarded quarters. You will rest with me. Come," She took his arm and led him to her room as the maids dare not say a word, guards had now been posted everywhere, patrols around the perimeter were now frequent yet random to stay on edge and all windows and entrances as been enchanted to block all weapons and poisons from entering the home tree unless they were a guard.

Alex was going to protest but she practically dragged him out of the infirmary and into her bedroom in a matter of seconds. He could barely even notice the extremely high security that had been added to the interior of the castle. He was surprised about everything within the castle at moment but again he had to take the information as quickly as possible due to the fact that they never finished the tour.

Taking him to her room and entered the door, and shut it. Behind them, guards were posted in front of it. Her room looked similar to his but much cleaner, less to bump into. Far more spacious.