An unknown dungeon and unexpected flood

When Zain was doing inventory in his shop a bit after opening, he realized that he was low on materials. He knew that the adventurer's guild would be of little to no help as most of them just cared about the achievements of killing monsters or each other. This dilemma resulted in the lack of support provided to those who had relied on them during the past, like alchemists and smiths. The wears were still needed but no one was willing to gather herbs or mine ores for them resulting in a lack of supply. The lack of supply drove up the prices and so the cycle continued supplies got scarcer for the craftsmen, and they resorted to making new items out of the old or trying to fend for themselves.

 Zain was in the latter half of this equation. With his two five-shot revolvers that he made making up for his lack of combat prowess and his knowledge of the fields in which he worked he had made a total of 200 expendable bullets which he usually kept in a pouch on his side while wearing his leather armor searching for supplies. This allowed him to take down a majority of monsters that would wander his way while doing so. He wasn't scared but just prepared as he liked to think.

 After noticing he was low on some of the ingredients needed for potions of healing and minor mana potions, he decided to don his leather armor and revolvers to head out for what he needed. Once on the main path to get where he needed to go, he noticed something off about the woods that night, but didn't think anything of it. It was beyond quiet and still, unnatural and earie in the sense of it.

 When Zain finally got to his usual gathering spot, he started gathering the herbs he needed from the forest grounds and kept doing so for a while, sifting through the weeds and nonmedicinal plants to find what he needed he filled the satchel on his back nearly to the brim when he heard what sounded like the ground giving way not too far away. He grabbed his satchel and went to investigate in case there was something that needed to be reported going on.

 When he arrived looking down, he saw a rumbling cave-like hole in a hill up ahead in the direction he heard the noise from. It looked like an old mine shaft but was smoother with more polished elements to it, this was a dungeon. Something he had never dared to even go into but had examined from the entrance a few times prior. Unlike most of the dungeons in this country, this one did not have any markings on it and thus must have just popped up or never been discovered before. Zain was hoping for the former of these scenarios as if it had never been discovered before that sound, he just heard was a monster flood about to happen.

 Just as he finished assessing the dungeon he turned to walk away and it happened again, the dungeon began to shift and then monsters came erupting out of it. They were pouring out at least twenty at a time. Zain had to think fast in this situation. He had a few vials of acid, a small keg of black powder he made, his two-hundred bullets, his two guns and a rapier he barely knew how to use. Just as he started to sink his head in defeat a hulking wolf-like humanoid came bolting out of the dungeon at a speed almost untraceable by the human eye, it had jet black fur with the occasional sliver like gleam to it. This was no ordinary monster, it was at least a floor boss level monster that needed an entire raid team and even then, there was no guarantee of success or even survival. Knowing he was the only one there that was not from the flood and seeing the monster smash through most of the flood itself, Zain had one thought. Run. This was something foreign to him as he had never been faced with something he didn't think his wit could outdo.

 Just as his thought finished though, the monster started Zain and went full speed towards him as if it had just locked onto its next prey. The monster bolted through the flood of others killing most of them as it appeared in front of Zain. Its fur glistened in the moonlight towering at about eight foot tall with a thick hide on it. The muscles it had were twitching with excitement, or was it anticipation, Zain didn't know. All he knew was this was not a fight he could win close quarters, nor was it one he had an advantage in. If he had to engage, which he figured he would, this would be a skill versus luck-based fight where Zain would be on the luck side of it.

 Zain swallowed hard. Knowing full and well this monster probably viewed him as food and he probably stood next to no chance of winning but, he hoped his brain could work through this scenario quickly.

 Almost instinctually after the monster landed in front of him, Zain took to a dead sprint dumping the satchel on his back with the ingredients in it by a nearby tree and spun around drawing one of his five-shot revolvers.