the guilds request

A few days after the dungeon flooding incident occurred, Zain received a knock on the door to his shop. Most people would just enter the shop given the fact it is a place of business, but this somehow felt off. 

When Zain opened the door, there was an executive from the guild there. Not what he was expecting but still something that matched the actions. "Excuse me." The executive started as he rolled out parchment with written lines to be said as not everyone is able to read. "Zain, tentative C rank adventurer. You are being summoned to the guild regarding the incidents which came to light due to your bringing information forth. This is not a summons for more information, rather this is an individual selected quest for you. This means that you are the only one this quest is assigned to and the only one who can fulfill the requirements for the quest. All additional information will be discussed at the guild with the guild master." The executive rolled back up the parchment and placed it into its original holster then smiled and spoke again, "If you could get your things together, I will wait here for you and escort you to the guild personally."

Zain generously nodded and then spoke, "If you would like you can enter and sit. I'll be back in a bit and flip the sign on the door to closed and lock up then I'll be ready." The executive entered and sat by the door while Zain scurried up the stairs. He put his two pistols on either side of his ribs and holstered a rapier at his hip. He then grabbed all of his ammunition and placed it in a side satchel to easily carry. With this he looked like your average adventurer who used a rapier for most if not all purposes.

When Zain arrived back downstairs, the executive stood, and they hurried out the door. Zain had just finished locking up and flipping the sign when the lady from the previous day came up to Zain and just asked, "Excuse me do you have a moment to discuss the subject we talked about the other day?" 

"I'm sorry I was just called for some urgent business at the guild I should be back later in the day, I hope. If not I should be back tomorrow. If you can tell me where you are staying and your name I will show up and ask for you."

Zain pulled out a book to make a note of the information and the lady began, "I am Sophia Ravenguard, I am currently staying at the Empty Keg near the fountain on the west side of town across from the guild."

"Thank you, I will come to contact you when my current matter is settled." Zain spoke sincerely, but as soon as he had finished, he turned with the executive and went off to the guild.

At the guild which Zain rarely visited during the day, the staff were at work, and he was ushered to the guild master's office waiting room where the executive left him for about five minutes before ushering him in.

The guild master was a bit older but still had a solid build and stood about six foot tall. His muscles were about the size of a body builder, but you could tell it was from combat and not just repetitive motion. "Mister Zain I presume, please be seated." The guild master said motioning towards a bench by a table. "I will be with you momentarily, just had a few more forms to sign."

As the guild master finished his work for now, he sat down his quill in a vial of ink and approached the seat on the opposite side of the table of Zain, who was for lack of a better word anxious. "I'm assuming you're curious why it could only be you to do this quest. I should probably start there anyways." The guild master started speaking as some tea came in for them to sip while they had this conversation. "Well as you can imagine upon you telling us about this mysterious dungeon, we went to investigate with other adventurers. This proved quite troublesome as when they found it, the flood had yet to disperse. This is unusual as you can surmise because the floods usually disperse in a few hours or at least reduce in size." There was a slight pause as the guild master took a sip of tea before continuing. "We noticed that there was no such thing but, it had grown quite considerably. We have a party who are confident they can conquer the dungeon; the problem though is getting them safely inside. There is where your task comes in. While the flood size did grow, no one has seen anything above a D rank in its mist where you came back with at least a C rand monster's head. You know the location in which the flood originated this makes you the best candidate to go into the flood and clear a path for everyone else to follow."

Zain stopped to ponder this reasoning for a moment before responding. "I would need a few days for preparation as doing something of this scale is not usually a one-man job but a team. The other reason is that I need to craft some items to help reduce the number of monsters in the flood to make it more manageable to clear a path in. The other reason is that I would need to make some new equipment as I've been doing my business in order to maintain a stable lifestyle over the past few days. I usually only use the guild after I do some gathering where I had monsters appear that I had to kill to make a little pocket change or if I need some extra pocket change that a quest could help solve." Zain then took another sip of the tea before continuing. "I would love to do this but just be mindful that it will take a few days of preparation before I can say I am ready."

"You can have five days. That should be suitable for someone of your standing in the alchemical and smithing world. Keep in mind we of the Emerdon Adventurers guild pride ourselves on the ability to do all we can before calling in help." With that the conversation had ended and Zain was headed out of the guild master's office.