As the heavy stone doors creaked open, the room once again lit up as if on demand by torches. Zain Cautiously walked in slipping off to the side as everyone else entered the room. The doors Automatically shut behind them as they did so, and Zain had positioned himself in the back.
He was being tactical about this as if he was in front of the demons they were to face, as he called them, were going to be in a heck of a fight. He would lose all tactical advantages from his ranged attacks via the sound reverberation and the shock of one of them dead without any sort of magical presence. His mother had noticed this and was now on the outer flank of the formation that is forming a pentagon beside his father with Sophia and Damascus in the front.
Zain's mother produced a vial from under her cloak that went with her normal dark attire and readied it in her hand. From the ceiling area the group began to hear the flapping of giant leather sounding wings against the air as two figures came into view. One was definitely female with a tight waist and an almost oversized bosom followed by nice and round but not quite over sized haunches on her. She had wings sprouting from her back and sleek black horns that flowed just above her head that accompanied the tail that sprouted from her tailbone area and was equally back and lengthy but at its end it came to a nice heart shaped point. She was wearing nothing but probably the skimpiest of bras that looked just big enough to cover her nipples and a thong that showed almost everything.
The male was a bit more casually dressed as he was sporting some crimson hair that matched perfectly with the black horns, he had that curved straight up and back making it just to above the crown of his head. He also had a tail that was black but came to a fine arrowhead like point at the tip. His physique was quite chiseled from the rippling abs to the exasperated chest and arms. The only clothing he wore was in fact a set of leather-like pants that caught every curve of his legs and toned hindquarters for the eyes to see.
Zain waited cautiously knowing that the deadliest fighter combo was probably his mother and father. He also knew that the hypnosis trick was based off of your current libido in most cases and since they were like rabbits while he was at home, he didn't want to chance them being overly lustful and getting caught in a hypnotic state and forced to fight them. Sophia was a magic knight and as such was about as deadly with magic attacks and her swordsmanship, so Zain's plain was to rid her of the hypnosis first if she got caught in it. Damascus was mostly brawn with his technique unmatched by anyone short of the magic knights but when he relied on his magic powers, he went into an uncontrollable frenzy which could make quick work of the demoness who would no doubt be trying to stay near him.
Zain had placed himself in the back knowing that their hypnosis was far less effective the further away a target was so he could make easy work if the incubus took control over Sophia for this very reason. The succubus was probably more of a magic attacker if the folk lore he remembered rang true, but the incubus was a wild card he had not heard much of them at all and what little he had heard was imagine the succubus was male and appealed to women instead of men.
The incubus made the first move, and it was a fast one, lurching forward and staring into Sophia's eyes in less than a second. By the time he had reached her, Zain had his gun out and at the ready and pulled the trigger in one fell swoop as his iron sights landed on the incubus's head.
The incubus fell to the floor as the shot echoed through the cavernous room and Zain saw some dark matter forming in the Succubus's hand as she desperately lurched for Damascus. Damascus caught her hands on the broad side of his blade and pushed her back a good five feet with one swing outwards. It was too much for Zain to track with his eyes though his sights, but Sophia let one fell stab into the creature as Zain's mother Po vaulted up doing a midair summersault and spilling some liquid on the demon.
The wails of agony were immensely echoing through the enclosed space as Zain realized his mother had just used a vial of acid, normally used as tool, as a liquid weapon while being an acrobatic simultaneously. It was the first time Zain had seen his mother properly in a farce and as far as he could tell she was darn good at it. He had been using his alchemical mixes as thrown projectiles but the way Sophia and her were in sync it was as if it was a carefully orchestrated combat to keep the succubus on the move.
Eventually between the two women, the succubus had been cornered away from the men of the group and Zain had one alley way to shoot but it was between both of them. He reached where he usually kept his alchemical weapons and found one that was an impact release mechanism. He only had one and he had to make it count.
Zain tensed up and slid his left foot forward to the comfortable pitchers position he knew well. He gave his dad a nod letting him know once he threw it, there was no going back. The response he got back was a knowing nod. Zain wound up and reared back to pitch it as his dad yelled at Sophia and his mother, "Move now you two."
Zain released it vaulting it at the succubus with tremendous speed that was almost that of a professional pitcher on a major league baseball team. It must have reached about ninety miles per hour as Sopia and his mother jumped out of the way and the devise impacted on the succubus's forehead and flattened itself releasing a blue liquid that Zain had put in it.
Thinking quickly on his feet, Zain then took aim and prepared to fire a single bullet when the demon started writhing in more pain than what he had imagined.
"What is that?" His father asked, almost scared to know the answer.
"That father is acid I actually made from a basilisk's fang." Zain replied and the demon started turning to stone bit by bit.