Chapter 274: To Live is to Have Hope

Yun Baibai raised her head and looked at Zhou Li, who was continuously spinning from the ceiling beam, with slightly parted red lips and a look of surprise on her face.

"Have you found a fifth person for the team?"

Holding his teacup, the old scholar sipped his tea leisurely and said, "If not, why not ask me?"

"Wha-what-why are-are-are-are you-you-you going to- to join?"

Zhou Li, spinning nonstop on the ceiling beam, said with difficulty, "You really are getting more and more spin- spin- spinning···"

"Such a slick tongue you have, sending my Zhou Li into rapid rotation."

Giving a thumbs-up, Tang Wan spoke mechanically as if she were a puppet.

"I can recommend someone for you."