Logically speaking, when the future husband pulls off some crap like "Hello everyone, today I'm gonna do something you'll all enjoy," at the very least, he should get his legs broken, if not squeezed dry. But Ying Yuan understands Zhou Li quite well, and Zhou Li is also pretty good at reading people, so he quickly came up with an appropriate explanation.
"What I mean is, like, is there a possibility..."
"Just drop dead."
Well, that's the spirit.
Caught between Jiang Li and Granny Meng, Zhou Li resolutely chose "and."
"Speak human."
Tang Wan, who was also pretty good at reading people, knew nobody liked a riddle talker, gave Zhou Li's leg a kick, and angrily said, "What exactly are we going to do?"
"One of these days I'm going to saw your leg off like Sun Defeng."
Murmuring under his breath, Zhou Li clapped his hands and said, "How about we figure out a way to help Jiang Li become immortal?"