Chapter 41 The Ancient Realm King and The Three Treasure Chests

Lin Shen suspected that Tian Xin, this little punk, was just learning on the fly, using the same strategy on him that he had just used on Tian Xin.

"You think I'd believe that?" Lin Shen took out his Leaf Blade, walked up to Tian Xin, and abruptly thrust the blade towards his eyes.

"I have evidence... it's inside my backpack..." Tian Xin suddenly yelled.

Lin Shen's hand couldn't stop in time; he forcefully diverted it a little, and the Leaf Blade didn't hit Tian Xin's eyes, but stabbed the flesh below, right on the bags under his eyes.

One had to admit, the strength of a Crystal Base Level body was truly frightening. Even with Lin Shen's forceful stabbing with the Leaf Blade, it only made a shallow cut, barely breaking the skin.

"Sorry, you shouted too slowly, and I was a bit too quick. Be more careful next time," Lin Shen said with a smile.

"No problem, no problem, this isn't your fault," Tian Xin quickly said it was okay.