Jade laughed and chose not to speak. She had seen far too many youthful, spirited young men like this.
Everyone has their youthful days, their days of reckless abandon. Jade didn't see anything wrong with Lin Shen's attitude.
If not reckless in youth, should one wait until old age to disrespect elders?
Watching Lin Shen's confident demeanor, Jade's mood actually improved a bit.
"Sinister Path is over when it's over; I am still young, I still have capital, and I can start over again. If this path doesn't work out, then I'll switch to another. As long as I persist," Jade said, looking at Lin Shen's ascending figure, a smile appearing on her face, "Sinister Path will always exist. But this Jade Refinement Mountain is not so easily harnessed for Nirvana. It's not a bad thing for young people to suffer a bit."
Jade slowly made her way up the mountain, no one knew the prowess of Jade Refinement Mountain better than her, for it was there that she had undergone her Nirvana.