Chapter 19: Soul-Suppressing Pagoda

Waiting for clues to deliver themselves was not an option, so after a brief discussion, everyone decided to split up and search for clues during the daytime.

Shi Dali and Ke Long, along with another, stayed in the residence to continue their investigation, while Kuang Hongyi and Yang Xiao, making a group of four, left the estate to look for clues outside. They agreed to return by dusk to share any intelligence gathered.

Yang Xiao and his group followed their memories toward the gate of the estate; before long, servants from the house caught up with them. Although polite on the surface, as soon as they spoke, they said it was an order from Steward Liu; they were to follow wherever the group went and even mentioned it was fine to leave the estate since the carriage had been readied in advance.

"Take us to Old Bull Bay Ferry Crossing," Yang Xiao said.

Upon hearing this, the portly servant behind them was taken aback, "Old Bull Bay Ferry Crossing?"

Kuang Hongyi couldn't help frowning, "What, is that a problem?"

"No, that's not it. It's just that Old Bull Bay Ferry Crossing is a long way off, and after leaving the North City Gate, there's a further ten or so li of mountain road to travel."

"If we leave now, can we make it back by evening?" This point was crucial.

The portly servant pondered for a moment before nodding emphatically, "With the carriage, yes, but you can't all ride; otherwise, the horses won't be able to pull it."

"That's fine," Kuang Hongyi readily agreed, then turned to Yang Xiao, "Young brother, you come with me. Miss Xu, you and..."

Before he could finish the sentence, Xu Su interrupted. Xu Su's attitude had dramatically changed from her previous cold demeanor, her tone even carried a hint of vulnerability, "Brother Kuang, it would be better for me to go with Mr. Chu. As you saw when we arrived, the area is in chaos, and we two women alone... it simply wouldn't be convenient."

"Hmm, you're lighter, so with you running up the mountain trails, the horse will also be quicker," the portly servant agreed before Kuang Hongyi could find a reason to refuse.

Guided by the portly servant, the group followed the path they had used the day before to leave the estate, again through the same side gate, where a carriage was waiting at the alley's entrance.

In the carriage, there was a cloth bag filled with some scattered silver, which the coachman explained had been arranged by Steward Liu. He said it was for the Blessing Guests' expenses.

Kuang Hongyi and Su Tingting were given some silver, and while Xu Su checked the carriage, Kuang Hongyi gave Yang Xiao a meaningful look and beckoned him over, speaking in a low voice, "Chu, stay vigilant on the journey. This Xu Su may not be good news; don't get too close to her, lest you bargain with a tiger for its skin."

Yang Xiao promised with a serious face, but he didn't really take it to heart. To him, both Kuang Hongyi and Xu Su were strangers, and as long as their interests aligned, they could cooperate.

After watching the carriage disappear into the distance, Kuang Hongyi's eyes held a complex expression. In the end, he had no choice but to take Su Tingting towards the other end of the street. They had their own mission to investigate the Feng Family's actual reputation in the area and whether they had committed any atrocities.

However, after inquiring at several local shops, they found, surprisingly, that the accounts were all consistent: the reputation of the Feng Family was excellent in the area. They provided aid during disasters and relief in emergencies; many were beneficiaries of the Feng Family's charity.

Some poor families, unable to make ends meet yet unwilling to sell their sons, would arrange to sell their daughters. The Feng Family would pay to take in these children, sending them to Nunnery Temple to be nuns, where they would eat vegetarian and pray. Once they grew up, the family would help find them a good household to marry into.

Local people had even wanted to build a memorial hall for Master Feng to thank this widely praised philanthropist of the region, but Master Feng had declined.

"Master Feng must truly be a benefactor, right?" Su Tingting also found it puzzling, and these people's sincere expressions didn't seem feigned either.

Kuang Hongyi cast a glance at the Feng Family's servants waiting not far outside the shop and warned in a low voice, "Don't be fooled by appearances, humans are the most complex and despicable creatures. A doctor who does good deeds in public and does not charge poor patients for medical treatment might be a domestic abuser at home, beating his wife and mother, and a teacher who dedicates years to teaching in the mountains could actually be a serial killer in disguise. There's a line between good and evil, but not in people."

The clip-clop of horse hooves continued, the carriage traveled on a rugged mountain road, which was indeed a torture for someone accustomed to modern cars.

Yang Xiao lifted the curtain behind the carriage window, and now that they had left the city gate, the roadsides were lined with lush forests.

While Yang Xiao enjoyed the rare view, suddenly, the carriage began to slow down, and the coachman's voice, somewhat nervous, rang out, "To all Blessing Guests, from now on, do not speak, draw the curtains tight, and remember not to look outside!"

Yang Xiao's heart immediately tensed up, not only because of the coachman's words, but also because he felt a cold sensation nearby.

The temperature inside the carriage seemed to drop several degrees all at once; the curtain was closed tightly, plunging the interior into darkness.

Yang Xiao did not even dare to breathe out loud; as he wondered what was going on, a soft body leaned against him, a slightly cold hand slowly touched his, and then gripped it tighter and tighter. The ticklish sensation in his ear was the touch of hair against his cheek.

Feeling the body pressing against him shivering slightly, Yang Xiao dared not move, especially since there were only him and Xu Su in the carriage.

Did the ghost follow them from the old mansion?

No, that can't be right. Even if it did follow us, there was no reason for it to seek me out. Yesterday, it was Su Tingting who was possessed, and it was Kuang Hongyi who ran out at night. I'm perfectly fine, aren't I?

The eerie atmosphere did not last long, just a few minutes, and the cold sensation inside the carriage gradually dissipated. Following a crisp sound of the whip, the horse carriage started to speed up, and the clip-clop of the horse hooves grew louder.

"All clear now, Blessing Guests, we've passed it," came the coachman's voice from outside the carriage, clearly relieved.

Only then did Yang Xiao realize that it was Xu Su who was clinging tightly to him. However, at this moment, Xu Su no longer bore the cold indifference she had at first; she was curled up into a ball, leaning against the side of the carriage and resting against him, her face looking pitiful with traces of tears still visible.

"Miss Xu?" Yang Xiao tried to help her up, but Xu Su kept holding onto his arm, not moving or letting go.

A moment later, Xu Su seemed to come back to her senses, hurriedly releasing her grip, her cheeks slightly flushed as she stumbled through her explanation, "I'm, I'm so sorry, I was just... really scared. I thought I was about to die."

After offering her words of comfort that were just for show, Yang Xiao opened the carriage's curtains to look outside, then asked, "What was that just now?"

"Oh, it was a Buddhist stupa," the coachman answered while driving the carriage, seemingly familiar with the object in question.

"A stupa? Can a stupa be that ominous?" He had definitely felt a chill, as if something had set its sights on him.

"You aren't used to traveling this road, so not knowing isn't strange. That's not an ordinary stupa; it's a Soul-Suppressing Pagoda built under the direction of a Barefoot Monk, and it's been there for quite some years."