Chapter 523: Trust_2

Yang Xiao didn't even have to think about it, the two who had run away were definitely fake, the real one was still on the bed, acting and manipulating puppets.

Just as Yang Xiao had thought, grey mist suddenly appeared in the room, engulfing the room within a few breaths, significantly limiting the sight of the onlooker Yang Xiao. He could only make out two silhouettes standing atop the bed. Then, the silhouette on the right suddenly lost balance and fell over, as if stepping into a deep pit, leaving only the upper body exposed, struggling and screaming. Meanwhile, the silhouette on the left vanished into nothingness.

In the end, the mourner's tricks couldn't deceive the ghost, whose true body was promptly discovered, and with the restriction of the true body, the other puppets naturally dissipated.