Chapter 40 We Have No Surrender Halfway Here

Tang Fangjing looked up and saw that the man named Mr. Ye seemed to be getting on in years, with a rather fierce appearance.

But that didn't matter, under the current circumstances, calling anyone over was pointless.

Everyone watched as Mr. Hou brought Mr. Ye over to the property management side, and they immediately began.

"Alright, I'll start then. Our property management initially signed an early-stage property service contract with the developer. Since we didn't have a residents' committee for a long time, a lot of matters were actually managed by the property management on a proxy basis, and we have contracts for that."

"Now that our community finally has a residents' committee, according to the regulations, we need to transfer all public proceeds and financial records to the residents' committee. We've been preparing for this since everything, especially the accounts, is very complicated."

"However, that's not a problem. Today we can start..."