Chapter 59: Which is More Important, Face or Life? (Vote on Monday)

The staff member behind the counter scrutinized the invoice before him, his expression growing increasingly serious by the moment.

"The man on the other side made it very clear, lots of issues arise from pondering too much. Once you start to wonder, you realize how easily certain situations align with a specific law."

"Comrade, you're certain this invoice was issued by the Lawyers Association, right? I need to remind you that..."

However, before the staff member could finish, the man outside smiled and said, "Forgery is against the law, and reporting a forgery under one's real name is even more so. This is indeed issued by the Lawyers Association; there are no issues, and you're welcome to investigate as much as you like."

"There was quite a crowd at the Lawyers Association's training class this session. You all can go and ask around, and if I'm not mistaken, the second session of their training class should be starting soon. You can check it out then."