Chapter 71 You Can Entrust a Lawyer

"Hello, Master Luo, I'm calling to let you know that your money will be executed into place today. Please take some time to go to the enforcement bureau with me today to pick up the case closing notification and sign it."

On the other side of the phone, Luo Duancheng was so excited he almost jumped up. After such a long time, he could finally get the wages he deserved.

It really wasn't easy. Sometimes Luo Duancheng would wonder why it was so hard to get one's own money these days. He had done the work, yet it was such a hassle to get paid.

Not to mention that Lawyer Tang had been stabbed.

Of course, Luo Duancheng had no idea what exactly Lawyer Tang had done in this case. In fact, without his clever move of turning a civil case into a criminal one, without being prepared to "pierce the corporate veil" in advance, this case could have dragged on for another two years.