Chapter 85: Is "lax regulation" enough?_2


"Hello, Lawyer Tang, it's Yao Yuehua, the branch manager of the Chaoxi Road branch. Here's the thing, we do have a problem with lax supervision on our end, so as for the property owner you brought in last time, we can arrange an extension for her."

"There's no need to expose this online, right."

On the other end of the phone, Old Tang spoke up, "Just admitting lax supervision and then arranging a loan extension is enough?"

Tang hadn't expected the bank to try to cover this up, but as it happened, he had no intention of exposing the matter online. Online exposure was a last resort, to be used when there was no legal recourse. If legal avenues were open, why should he resort to public opinion?

But this bank manager was being too optimistic. "Lax supervision" sounded like a throwaway phrase. She didn't mention a word about the unfinished construction, did she!