Chapter 199: Some People Go Too Far!_4

Huang Licheng hurriedly began to dig out materials from the bag beside him; since he had come to defend his rights, he carried all these documents with him.

Old Tang took two court decisions, the first was from the court of Pingchen County, and the second was from Lincheng City Court.

After carefully reading both court decisions, Old Tang finally understood the situation.

"Mr. Huang, I see in this court decision that when you pulled out your knife, those people you clashed with actually didn't have weapons, right?"

Huang Licheng nodded, "That's right, Lawyer Tang."

"Does the decision say that you had prepared the knife in advance?"

"I had prepared it in advance. The village had already called a meeting to say they were taking back the land. I went several times to talk to the village chief, but he ignored me."