Already in intense pain, his son was ceaselessly yelling at him, and coupled with his own overwhelming guilt, Ding Deshui's mind twisted even further.
If not for Tang Fangjing, he wouldn't have gone to prison, and his son would have smoothly passed the civil service exam, and their entire family would have led a harmonious and happy life.
But now, his own days were numbered, his son had no future, everything was gone, and suddenly everything about him had been destroyed.
Ding Deshui was dwelling on these thoughts when his wife couldn't hold back anymore.
"Yong Qiang, please stop talking, okay? Everything your dad did was for you, wasn't it?"
"You wanted a car for college, said you wanted to travel the whole country, then after graduation, you talked about studying abroad. You ended up coming back, saying you wanted to take the civil service exam, and it's been five years of renting in The Capital,