Old Tang was well prepared on this side, and he certainly demanded a higher sum of money; the thirty thousand Yuan previously enforced to be paid to Lin Shuqiang must be borne by the company, as well as the double wages for Yang Tiezhi and the compensation for the unlawful termination of the contract.
Then there were interests, plus his own legal fees...
Although the legal fees were not much, the other expenses were considerable. He had been living in Dongshan City for quite a while, staying in hotels and dining out; certainly, someone had to reimburse him.
If the other party did not accept, he could slightly decrease the amount, but the numerous items could not be lessened.
In any case, if it came down to it, he would just continue the lawsuit, where it would just become a matter of perseverance.
On May 9th, it was another long absent rainy day; Old Tang got up and looked at the legal calendar, indeed, today was a suitable day for an execution.