Chapter 131 Expansion

At 650 Page Mill Road in Palo Alto, a shimmering glass curtain wall building stood under the California sun.

Shining frequently in the Californian sun, it was affectionately dubbed the "Death Star" by its competitors and the nearby Stanford University.

Just by the name, you'd know the people there were not to be trifiled with, and delving into what they do would reinforce that sentiment: This was a law firm.

"WSGR, the most prestigious high-tech company law firm in Silicon Valley." David pointed at the building in front of them, "Apple, Sun Microsystems chose it as their legal representative for going public, and even the establishment of Mayfield had its participation."

The day after signing the contract, David began guiding Dean in selecting a law firm to collaborate with for Byte Software.

WSGR was the law firm jointly recommended by Morgan Tailer and Mayfield, both having deep cooperative relationships with the former.