Chapter 346: Surprisingly Low Cost

Dean primarily visited Virginia to address the issues with Toktok, which might sound strange, right?

The instant messaging software from Bit, why would it be related to this place?

The reason lies in the fact that several ISPs operate on the East Coast, including the largest network service provider in the US, AOL, naturally.

Other nearby providers like UUNET and SPI, the third largest, together cover about half of America's internet operational market share.

This point is interesting: while the internet frenzy started on the West Coast, the fundamental services were coming from the East Coast.

This might relate to the investment style of the East Coast, as the old money subconsciously believes that infrastructure investments are more stable.

To them, software and websites seem like rootless duckweed.

But regardless of the kind, neither can exist without the internet—it's a trend.

Investing in network service companies is like investing in telephone companies.