059 Starting off by going through a black-on-black process?

Just when Li Qingming made contact with the Secret Realm, a familiar ringing in his ears struck him, followed by a moment of disorientation.

That sensation was like the moment right before dozing off, yet not quite asleep.

When he came to and snapped to attention,

he found himself in the brightly lit, high-walled lobby of a hospital.

But Li Qingming knew that this was no longer a hospital.

At that moment, he couldn't help but close his eyes, raise his arm, and take an invigorated breath,

That comforting scent of home, this blissful routine of the Secret Realm.

My little darlings, I have come to visit again.

After taking three deep breaths, Li Qingming immediately went into exploration mode, swiftly gathering information from his surroundings.

This was the first-floor lobby of a hospital, brightly lit and with an expansive view.