Here is 106 dollars for you, stay away from your daughter from now on_2

Thanks to the dynamic tax rates, as soon as the tax AI detects someone has made a windfall, it'll crazily hike up their tax rate, causing all of their subsequent profitable activities to be taxed more heavily.

So no matter how you look at it, it feels more secure to keep the medicine box in hand, not to mention the spare stomach.

Right, not going to sell it off, I'll use it 'till I die.

Having made this decision, Li Qingming walked into the bathroom with a sense of ceremony, ready to focus on his morning ritual.


At that moment, the doorbell rang.

This forced Li Qingming to clench up abruptly, halting the process, as he grudgingly retrieved his phone and answered the video call from the entrance of the apartment.

To his surprise, the one requesting a visit wasn't alone; there was a group of them, even waiting in line.