254 Utmost Respect_2

"You guys stay the hell away from Lin Yuanzhi! Keep your damn hands off her... and don't kneel either, she's not some fairy goddess."

Following that scolding, clean-up operations quickly commenced. Badia began leading everyone to tidy the surroundings, Zhe Bu's stretcher was brought over, and the pile of dry leaves and wood intended for a rescue signal fire was set up early, awaiting the end of the Secret Realm.

"Phew..." K finally wiped the sweat off and sat down by a tree, his breath escaping him, leaving nothing but a blank stare in his eyes.

For a debut battle, it was ridiculously intense.

Forget about showing off, it was all about desperately gasping for air and making one mistake after another.

He thought he was a king-level player starting from bronze and just plowing through everything...

Turns out I'm the damn fish!

In the midst of his gloominess, Watanabe Haruka silently sat down next to him and handed over a bag of water.