Chapter 15 The Scumbag Girl and the Homebody Girl


A consensus on handling the Mysterious Realm of the Qiantang River was reached, and Miss Chen Lingyun had already asked for a "kiss from her dear husband," Yan Yu felt quite satisfied with that. So now, there was only one thing left:

Meeting Zhao Yuanzhen.

In fact, this wasn't entirely because of Chen Lingyun's playful mood... If she had to be honest, curiosity was probably about ninety percent of her motivation, with the remaining ten percent being to ensure that there were no uncertainties.

After all, Zhao Yuanzhen herself was the biggest uncertainty. If this woman was a "ditz," "clueless about things," Chen Lingyun would still help her secure an identity but would advise Yan Yu not to let her out, to avoid any unnecessary trouble.

But if the woman was very smart, cunning almost to the point of being demonic, then Chen Lingyun would be pleased (for she would have a new toy to play with), and of course, she would start taking precautions early on.

After all, Yan Yu was currently in a de facto cohabitation situation with the other party, and if he was conned into an affair, she would, of course, find it quite troublesome.

Walking home together, Yan Yu glanced at the passing traffic on the roadside and suddenly asked,

"What do you feel like eating tonight?"

"You decide~," Chen Lingyun said with a smile.

The response sounded like that of a gentle girl, but in reality, it was not at all the case. Knowing Chen Lingyun as he did, Yan Yu interpreted her words to mean, "Since you were my husband in a past life, you should know what I like to eat."

"Then let's have noodles," Yan Yu sighed, "clear soup noodles with a poached egg and some shepherd's purse."

Chen Lingyun didn't speak, but her smile grew even sweeter.

She loved eating shepherd's purse that had just sprouted in the spring; the only ones who knew this were her parents and the auntie who cooked at her house.

Now there was one more person who knew.


"So, what do Zhao Yuanzhen's looks and figure like?" Chen Lingyun suddenly asked.

"Won't you know once we're back?" Yan Yu offhandedly replied.

"Hmm?" Chen Lingyun elongated the sound.

An "Hmm—" with a smile was her way of expressing dissatisfaction. As for the source of her dissatisfaction, it was probably because she wanted to test the Demonic Sect Enchantress's standing in her eyes by asking about Zhao Yuanzhen's looks and figure, and she was unhappy that he failed to catch on to this...

Ah, this is annoying! Why do I have to have this kind of understanding with you! Also, isn't your possessiveness a bit too much?!

Recalling the "trashy princess" Chen Lingyun from his previous life—who was not his girlfriend but insisted on entangling him with various means—Yan Yu's fists involuntarily clenched harder.

"Well, despite some flaws in her personality, that Demonic Sect Enchantress really has nothing to complain about regarding her looks and figure," he said seriously, as if appraising something. "Her features are delicate and refined, the epitome of the current mainstream aesthetic of 'pale, skinny, and young'; as for her figure, I guess it's probably 95-50-90, with nothing to pick on..."

Chen Lingyun listened in silence, her delicate eyebrows raising slightly as she couldn't help but speak with a tone of disdain,

"You're so nauseatingly infatuated."

There it was, she was getting impatient! Hahaha!

As soon as Yan Yu heard her curse in Jiang Hai dialect, he knew that she was somewhat upset, and he was filled with a sense of vengeful pleasure. To prevent Chen Lingyun from noticing, he turned his head to chuckle secretly.

But of course, such a movement couldn't escape Chen Lingyun, who was close at hand. After a quick thought, she realized that he was deliberately annoying her.

However, more than the embarrassment, what she really cared about was something else:

When was the last time she had lost control of her emotions like this?


Ever since she was a child, Chen Lingyun had always been the epitome of an elegant young lady. Even when she was in kindergarten, she was the one child who never cried or fussed. As for elementary, middle, and high school, she was adored by her classmates, so perfect that many felt ashamed of themselves just by standing beside her—of course, it was also a fact that her family background played a role in this.

Apart from the stray cat incident, who could stir even the slightest ripple in her heart?

In hindsight, my decision in my previous life to spend the rest of my life with him was even more justified.

Oh dear, oh dear, I suddenly have this annoying husband, what should I do about it?

Should I train him first, or should I play with him first?

Chen Lingyun placed a hand on her cheek and smiled shyly, while Yan Yu, seeing her in such a girlish pose, guessed that she was starting to act coquettish and sneered to himself viciously.

Worthless woman, the advantage your family background brings in terms of power will become less and less significant as spiritual energy has fully revived.

When we both become cultivators, we'll have a proper showdown and see who ends up on top!

Upon returning home, he saw Zhao Yuanzhen lying on the couch, lazily eating a bag of opened chips, her eyes glued to the TV, as she said:

"You're back? We're out of chips at home, I want cucumber-flavored ones... Who is she?!!"

The moment she saw the face of a stranger, the alarm bells went off in the Demonic Sect Enchantress' mind, and she leapt off the couch, quickly forming hand seals.

"My classmate," Yan Yu said indifferently.

This indifferent face was intended not only for homebody Zhao Yuanzhen but also for the worthless Chen Lingyun.

"Hello," Chen Lingyun said with a smile. "I'm a friend of Yan Yu, my name is Chen Lingyun."

Zhao Yuanzhen maintained her hand seals, eyes warily on Yan Yu, and when she didn't get any "attack now" signals from him, she quietly pulled her hands back into her sleeves, lifted her chin proudly, and said:

"Qiansi Sect's Zhao Yuanzhen, you may address me as 'Mi Zhen Xianzi'."

"Pleased to meet you, Mi Zhen Xianzi." Chen Lingyun's smile grew even sweeter, prompting Yan Yu to instantly realize that this woman was starting her antics, "You're an old friend of the Rainbow Sword Immortal, Mei Yingxue, aren't you? She seems to have been looking for you lately."

Upon hearing the title of Rainbow Sword Immortal, Mei Yingxue, Zhao Yuanzhen shuddered, her gaze unintentionally drifting towards the window sill, but she quickly pulled it back and said forcefully:

"Is that so? I was actually looking to find her, to properly recount our past grudges and affections."

"That's great," said Chen Lingyun with a full-faced smile, clapping her hands together, "I'll give her a call right away. Seeing an old friend after such a long time, she will surely be excited."

"Hold on!" Zhao Yuanzhen immediately couldn't keep her composure and quickly raised her hand saying, "I! My True Yuan has not yet recovered, and if I were to spar with her, I'm afraid it wouldn't be satisfying. Next time, let's talk about it next time!"

"Eh, is Mi Zhen Xianzi not fully recovered?" Chen Lingyun covered her mouth with her hand, pretending to be surprised, "Perhaps I could ask the Rainbow Sword Immortal if she has any medicinal pills or prescriptions that could help you recover your cultivation faster."

"No need! No need!" Zhao Yuanzhen became increasingly agitated, and if it weren't for Yan Yu standing beside her, she would immediately want to strike down this sharp-tongued young lady, "It's too much trouble to bother outsiders with this! I have my measures; you needn't concern yourself!"

"Really?" Chen Lingyun laughed, her eyes curving like crescent moons, "Then I'll just tell her I've seen you here, and leave it at that."

"Don't you dare! Don't you dare!" Zhao Yuanzhen was so annoyed she stomped her foot, pointing her finger accusingly, "Annoying! Don't you talk too much! You're not allowed to say anything!"

Chen Lingyun laughed delightedly and then turned to look at Yan Yu, her eyes conveying, "Oh, this Demonic Sect Enchantress is so amusing!"

Yan Yu silently rolled his eyes back at her, meaning, "If you provoke her too much, I'm not getting involved."

"I'm going to cook," he said, waving his hand helplessly, "You two have a good chat."