Chapter 22 Heading to School!

The date had arrived at May 24.

High school students were still in their final, frantic sprint, while over four hundred lucky "Possessors of the Spirit Root," having been selected through the college entrance physical examination, were preparing their bags to head to their respective colleges after receiving their admission notices.

The four national higher education institutions dedicated to cultivating Cultivators also united in opening their doors to these university-level Cultivators. Among them:

University students from eastern provinces would head to the "Zhendong National Defense Academy" in Jinling Prefecture.

University students from southern provinces would head to the "Annan National Defense Academy" in Xingwang Prefecture.

University students from western provinces would head to the "Pingxi National Defense Academy" in Shuzhong Prefecture.

University students from northern provinces would head to the "Dingbei National Defense Academy" in Shengjing Prefecture.

It sounded a bit like the familiar concept of "Hogwarts' four houses," where everyone belonged to the Wizard camp, yet they were artificially divided into four academies to compete against each other…

In fact, due to the top-level institutional design, the competition among the four Cultivator academies was going to be much fiercer than originally anticipated.

Zhendong National Defense Academy, located in the Jiangning District of Jinling Prefecture, recruited from Jiang Hai Prefecture, Jiangbei Province, Jiangnan Province, Jianghuai Province, Jiujiang Province, and Minhai Province, with the first cohort consisting of 103 Cultivators.

Compared to the sprawling campus area, this number of Cultivators clearly wasn't impressive. Therefore, the dormitory arrangement was luxurious individual rooms, with a living environment surpassing that of many international student dorms at other high schools, and it could even compete with business rooms in many five-star hotels.

As Chen Lingyun had said, after Mitchi Country took the lead with their "fame and fortune bundle," other countries had no choice but to quickly follow up, offering the best treatments to serve their own Transcendents—major issues were at stake, and they couldn't overly test one's innate loyalty and consciousness.

Yan Yu first left his luggage at the guardhouse, then helped Zhao Yuanzhen, along with her luggage, to her assigned single dormitory room.

It wasn't to fulfill any duty as a fellow Daoist; mainly, it was to confirm which room this enchantress was in, making it easier to find her later on.

"Don't forget who you are," Yan Yu once again patiently cautioned her before leaving, "Don't draw attention to yourself, don't interact with strangers, don't let Mei Yingxue become aware of your presence, understand? Otherwise, not even my master could save you!"

"Rubbish! I am not that kind of foolish woman!" Zhao Yuanzhen said impatiently.

Even before she had transmigrated within the Qiansi Sect, she mostly stayed in her cave dwelling, focusing on cultivation, and rarely dealt with her fellow female disciples. It was only because her master needed to curry favor that he spoke more to her.

After reminding the enchantress to remember to lock her door when there was nothing to do, Yan Yu silently left the girls' dormitory.

Upon reaching the ground floor, he saw a girl squatting down, gathering her books that were scattered all over the floor.

This girl had an innocent and lovely appearance, although not as exquisite as Chen Lingyun, her facial features were softer and her demeanor was gentle and demure.

She brought two suitcases and one luggage bag, from which the underside had torn open, scattering all the contents—various paper books, primarily literary novels, both domestic and foreign.

Without showing the slightest annoyance, the girl simply squatted down, patiently picking up each book and piling them neatly beside her.

Yan Yu recognized her at first glance, and the related memories from his previous life also surged forth.

Su Yunjin, originally from Gusu of Jiangbei Province, had parents who were both professors at Gusu University, coming from a scholarly family background.

An only child in her family, long exposed to the influence of intellectuals, thus her nature was rather gentle and refined. More precisely, she was contented and unambitious, her only hobby being reading.

In many ways, Su Yunjin seemed like a less intense version of Chen Lingyun.

In his previous life, not long after starting college, the two indeed quickly established a close friendship. They often went to eat at the cafeteria together, attend classes together, train at the school fields... In public, Su Yunjin was used to standing behind Chen Lingyun, and usually helped her with various tedious matters, hence she was jokingly referred to as "Secretary Su."

However, in Yan Yu's estimation, this girl was nearly as clever as Chen Lingyun; it was just that she was way too "Zen" when it came to taking initiatives.

Perhaps it was a common problem among children from intellectual families: they lacked utilitarianism and desire, allowing others to lead or guide them along.

"Let me help you," Yan Yu offered, going over to help her pick up the books.

"Thank you," Su Yunjin responded, nodding her thanks.

Many women instinctively refuse in such situations, perhaps due to modesty or pride, but refusing such a simple gesture would seem alienating, and Su Yunjin concealed her surprise well, responding appropriately and gracefully to a stranger, from which one could see that her upbringing was indeed excellent.

In contrast, a certain despicable woman can't be said to have been poorly taught, it's just that she herself grew up to be twisted.

"Let me help you carry these two suitcases upstairs," Yan Yu picked up two suitcases, "You can hold the books, and we should be able to move everything in one go."

"Then I'll trouble you," Su Yunjin said with a smile, "I'm really sorry."

What a normal smile that was, Yan Yu couldn't help but exclaim.

It wasn't Chen Lingyun's elegantly sweet but fake smile, nor was it Zhao Yuanzhen's clueless and silly grin, but the normal smile that a girl with a normal personality should have.

So normal, it was truly touching.

Yan Yu, carrying the two suitcases, climbed the stairs with Su Yunjin, who held the books, following behind. Seeing his energetic and untiring steps, not showing off, she felt somewhat relieved.

At the dormitory door, Su Yunjin's room was 204 (Zhao Yuanzhen was in 207, not far away).

Yan Yu set the suitcases down at the door, remembered the room number on the doorplate, watched Su Yunjin take out the key card, swipe it to open the door, and then he pushed the suitcases inside.

"Thank you for your hard work." Su Yunjin opened her backpack and took out a bottle of green tea, "Here's something for you."

Knowing her nature, Yan Yu didn't stand on ceremony, took the bottle, twisted off the cap and said,

"My name is Yan Yu, just like you, I'm a new student."

"Su Yunjin, 'Su' as in Gusu, 'Yun' as in clouds, and 'Jin' as in brocade," Su Yunjin introduced herself.

"Alright, I've got it," Yan Yu nodded, took out his phone with his left hand, and said calmly, "Let's add each other as friends, so we can contact each other if there's an issue."

"Sure," Su Yunjin agreed.

After they added each other as friends, Yan Yu noticed that the girl's profile picture was actually a very common landscape photo, with a close-up of a Chinese rose at the center... Her aesthetic was quite old-fashioned.

Her nickname was "Yun Jin," which was equally old-fashioned.

Should he just save her contact as "Auntie Su"?

Yan Yu pushed down the random thoughts in his head and saw Su Yunjin quietly watching him, so he said with a smile,

"I should go now, goodbye."

"Let's keep in touch when you have time," Su Yunjin said with a smile, escorting him to the corridor outside the dorm, just in time to see Chen Lingyun turn the corner of the staircase, followed by two aunts carrying suitcases for her.

Their eyes met, and Chen Lingyun's gaze fell on Su Yunjin behind him, her sweet and elegant smile still on her face, only her eyebrows slightly raised.

Oh no, Secretary Su might not be able to become a secretary this life!

Yan Yu chuckled inwardly, raised his hand, and greeted,

"Good morning, Ling Yun."

"It's 1 PM," Chen Lingyun said with a smile.

"I meant you've arrived quite early," Yan Yu gracefully walked past her, "I'm off to get busy, see you next time."

Chen Lingyun slightly turned her body, watching his figure disappear around the stair corner, then turned back to look at Su Yunjin.

Feeling somewhat uncomfortable under her gaze, Su Yunjin cautiously nodded and said,


"Hello, classmate," Chen Lingyun's smile became even sweeter, "What's your name?"