Chapter 33 Who is Slandering Me!

Dinner time.

The cafeteria was about two-thirds full.

Yan Yu sat at a corner table, and although some wanted to join him, they were quickly stopped by their companions.

"Don't you see who that is?"

The lofty lone swordsman, the abstinent iron-clad martial god, a peerless powerhouse who can't be budged even by the most brutal battlegrounds!

Since the semester had just started and everyone was still unfamiliar with each other, the students judged from their first impressions that Yan Yu must be difficult to get along with.

If even a beautiful girl is harshly scolded and snubbed by him, what chance do we ordinary people have to interact with him?

Zhao Yuanzhen, however, didn't care about that, or rather, the Demonic Sect Enchantress didn't bother to pay attention to what her sect mates thought, and went straight over with her tray to sit opposite Yan Yu.