Chapter 56: Returning Home

Chen Lingyun caught up with Yan Yu from behind, her face full of smiles, eager to say something, but she noticed that Yan Yu's expression was rather gloomy.

It wasn't the usual "annoyed by her" gloominess, but one tinged with a hint of melancholy and desolation, a kind of listlessness.

Being as clever as she was, she immediately guessed what was troubling Yan Yu and tentatively asked,

"Was Ye Jun someone formidable in his past life?"

"Formidable?" Yan Yu was silent for a moment, then sneered, "Of course he was formidable, the spokesperson for the Dingbei Army, isn't that formidable?"

"Oh my, that's really..." Chen Lingyun's smile bloomed like flowers.

A spokesperson, that's a civilian staff position! Ye Jun, you were at least a cultivator, how did you end up so down on your luck to switch to a bureaucratic job?

Thinking back to Yan Yu's attitude just now, Chen Lingyun already had her answer and said with a laugh,