Chapter 61: First Round of Girl Group Practice


Chen Lingyun, Su Yunjin, Lin Ning, and Zhao Yuanzhen stood at the front of the Cloud Ascension Technique training ground—the area behind was scattered with an assortment of low walls, rooftops, and obstacles simulating an urban environment.

Yan Yu casually strolled past the girls with his hands clasped behind his back, as if he were a general inspecting his troops.

"Since everyone is already acquainted with one another, we'll skip the round of introductions this time." Finally, he came to a stop in front of everyone and asked in a deep voice, "Does anyone know the original purpose of establishing our war team?"

"Is it to open your harem?" Chen Lingyun asked with a smile.

"Shut up!" Yan Yu quickly pointed and ordered coldly, "Cause any more trouble, and you're out of the team! Lin Ning, you speak."