Chapter 73: Alright, Let's Train the Troops

Looking down from the peak of the mountain earlier, the surrounding terrain was clear at a glance, and planning a route was no more than simple.

With Chen Lingyun's exceptionally strong memory, Yan Yu simply let her lead the way, trying as much as possible to avoid areas dense with trees.

As the group passed through a flat meadow, moving forward with their Shifting Technique, suddenly Lin Ning let out a sharp cry as her figure was abruptly flung into the air.

It was a vine concealed within the underbrush that had now firmly entangled her ankle and whipped her into the air with force.

Her balance lost, Lin Ning gritted her teeth, curled her body with all her might, and within her rapidly spinning and swaying vision, she tried to reach the thing binding her ankle to cut it with a Metal-Element Impact Curse.