Chapter 71: First Arrogant, Then Respectful

The tree demon, towering over ten meters high, finally collapsed to the ground with a thunderous crash under the combined attack of the fully charged Impact Curses.

This tree demon had withstood three rounds of combined attacks in total, truly tough as nails—had it been a human cultivator, two or three Impact Curses would have blown their head apart.

But what could it do? The consequence of undeveloped intelligence was that, like a beast that had escaped from the zoo, it was killed by humans using simple encirclement tactics.

Three military cultivators quickly approached, both to confirm whether the enemy was truly dead and to prevent any feigned death and counterattack from the tree demon.

The result of the inspection was satisfactory: it seemed to be dead.

The last round of Metal-Element Impact Curse attacks had pierced into the heart of the tree, delivering the fatal blow.

"Sorry." Su Yunjin approached Yan Yu and whispered, "I got scared just now and didn't react properly."