Chapter 76 Group Photo Time

After defeating the puppet, the path to the thatched cottage was completely safe.

Yan Yu found the control mechanism of the Mysterious Realm inside the cottage, which looked like a delicate incense burner, and started to refine it.

The so-called refinement was simple, involving just infusing True Yuan into it, and infusing it fiercely.

The amount of True Yuan needed wasn't much, but the main issue was that refinement took time. Yan Yu roughly estimated that it would take about ten minutes or so to refine the incense burner.

As the pace of the Spiritual Energy Resurgence increased, the difficulty of the Mysterious Realm would also increase, and the time required to refine the control mechanism would extend, possibly even requiring a few hours of work—if there were enemy cultivator teams present in the Mysterious Realm, one would either have to eliminate all the opponents or carry the control mechanism around aimlessly, delaying until it was completely refined.