Chapter 36 Satisfaction

"Hashiba Finance, Akechi Electronics, Shibata Heavy Industries, Takikawa Chemicals, and Tokugawa Medical, the five pillars of Takamanohara, are controlled by these five companies.

Of course, the Hashiba family does more than finance, and the Shibata family does more than military industry. They cross-finance and hold shares in each other, and under them, they have various subsidiaries and branches. However, they have the deepest roots in these areas.

Ultimately, Takamanohara belongs to the Oda Clan, with all the shares in Oda hands. These board members, managing directors and such, used to frequently change at the direction of the clan leader. Unlike other business groups, they were originally Oda retainers. With a single word, the clan could reclaim their shares, sweep them from their posts, or have them sentenced to exile, imprisonment, or even forced to commit seppuku, which was not an uncommon occurrence.