Chapter 61 Security

To explain how a bedsheet was turned into a handkerchief, Li Pan casually wove a martial arts story into the daily report, uploaded it as his progress, and claimed that he kept the handkerchief with him in his pocket, securely stored.

Unexpectedly, the company was incredibly generous when it came to settling with the monsters; as long as the manager personally deemed it fine, they'd consider the mission completed and even gave him a silver key as a bonus.

That way, Li Pan could say he finished a day's work, slacked off online all day, and left on time to meet Chen at the prearranged location.

It was a small restaurant at the tip of Riverside Terrace, beneath Canal Bridge, where the Old Capital District met the commuter area. Shaped like a triangle, one of its windows faced a row of closely packed high-rise buildings while the other offered a view of the myriad lights from the shanties of the distant apartments.

Shit Burger