But four against one, There's never really any suspense. If you can't catch them now, just catch them later. The more Luofu Mountain struggled, the more she seemed to weaken. After all, her martial arts techniques couldn't draw on True Qi for replenishment in this world. Using a bit meant losing a bit, and being harassed by four people at once, she couldn't end the battle swiftly. In this way, she simply had neither the strength to escape this inescapable net nor to survive, so she saw her energy drained and her fire dim visibly to the naked eye.
Well, this is odd...
Li Qingyun couldn't help scratching his head. If the True Qi was all used up, why not pop some elixirs? Surely after only a month, they hadn't already used up all their elixirs, right? No way, no way?