Chapter 214 Return to the Lunar Surface_3

Of course, under that thunderbolt, no one besides Li Pan could have possibly survived, especially since the entire area was within the range of three gamma-ray bursts.

The level of radiation was so intense that even Li Pan's health bar couldn't withstand it. SEC's alloy base vehicles melted down into lumps of iron and puddles of steel. Not to mention these bioroid maggots. They were completely obliterated.

But the drones found a lot of equipment.

Equipment scattered everywhere.

Eighteen checked the production numbers and tax certificates of these items—they all belonged to the pirate mercenary companies that had come to scavenge. They were probably from the troops that had fought with unit 081007 before.

But the problem was, their people were 'gone'.

That is, the bodies, gone.

Spacesuits, equipment, and even implants were still there, but the human part was missing, not a trace of flesh to be found.