Chapter 215 Contact

Li Pan opened his eyes to find himself leaning against a luxurious bed.

In front of him on a table, there were mountains of exotic fruits and vegetables, fine wines and delicious dishes. Above was a large tent, the ground covered with a carpet made from the fur of some unknown beast. Surrounding him were jade orchids and ganoderma, treasure pills, and all manner of exotic treasures, filling the room with dazzling splendor and rich fragrance.

To the left and right inside the hall, there were four beautifully sculpted concubines, their bodies wrapped in silk gauze, exposing porcelain-like legs, slender arms, heaving bosoms, and finely arched eyebrows. They were at this moment cradling musical instruments—lutes, zithers, and jade flutes—playing and singing, dancing to add to the merriment.

Then Li Pan looked down at the wine in his cup, and his own face was reflected in the flickering blood-like light.