Aside from the liquid metal moon itself, the Earth-Moon Space Domain 016 also has forty-eight artificial mini moons.
These forty-eight artificial satellites, like pearls on a necklace, adorn the outer perimeter of Earth's near orbit in 016. They serve as a supplement to Earth's defense system and are also some kind of defense against it. After all, in some people's eyes, the superpower users on Earth 016 are also considered some kind of 'inhuman test subjects,' but there is no need to elaborate on that topic too much.
And finally, there is Earth.
Earth, Earth 016, how should I put it, is truly super-prosperous.
The LEO-PORT of 016 has seventy-two rings of artificial satellite orbits circling it, almost like the rings of Jupiter!
And this Earth, it's actually super-primeval! No! It surpasses primeval! It's brand new! The pinnacle of biotechnology! Gaia Earth!
Yes, there are mountains and rivers, flowers and birds, oceans, and glaciers.