Chapter 240 Cold Dazzling Saw

A man and a woman entered the transit hub of Night City's orbital elevator.

The young man was exceedingly ordinary in appearance, but perhaps because of his plainness, he went for a lot of flashy decorations. For instance, he dyed his hair yellow and styled it to stand up high like a broomstick, replaced his left arm with a metallic prosthetic, wore a jacket drenched in motor oil, and hung a military dog tag around his neck, dressing as if he were a rooster trying to attract hens.

Of course, his female companion was no ordinary individual either. She dyed her hair pink and combed it all forward from the back and to the right, effectively covering the right side of her face. The visible half was heavily made up with gothic tears, and her arm was wrapped in a coil of steel hoops, leather straps, and chains; it was unclear whether they were accessories or weapons, making her look like a heavy metal rock star.