Chapter 89 Gifts and Birth_2

""We've found that when humans possess power similar to that of the gods, they too will feel fear, will also be afraid—Cohen told me this. Since gods and humans are differentiated only by power, as long as we have power, naturally there's nothing to be afraid of."

"Of course, they also gifted life to humans, but after the great flood, we had returned life back to them."

"What about The Temple, then? What deity is worshipped there? Does he not need your worship?"

Seizing what seemed like a loophole, Hecate pointed at the temple shrouded in light and spoke.

"That is the temple of the Lord, and indeed He does not need the worship of mortals, or rather, if it were not for the miracles of the angels, perhaps the Lord would not care about our faith. But if we really speak of it, perhaps the Lord also has expectations of humans."

Smiling, Nuo expressed his deepest feelings.