Chapter 32 Shuttle Machine

Roars thundered in succession, as if a hundred fierce beasts bellowed in the dark night.

The Suzuki Group had assembled and transferred within ten minutes, with countless motorcycles and three large shuttle machines flying away from Suzuki Springs, leaving Katagi District, and heading straight for Number 26 Highland.

At Toshiaki Megastore, Xu Yang, who had originally been resting, was also startled awake by the sound of the massive convoy moving. He turned to look and saw that the Suzuki Group members who had been moving things in the store had already retreated; the place was deserted.

He quickly ran outside to observe the situation, only to see the lights of vehicles piercing the darkness, crossing the roads, and whizzing away into the night.

"They're heading to Number 26 Highland," Xu Yang discerned the direction, "we can't stop now."

"Go find the 'Shuttle Machine' you mentioned?" Kanako was still afraid of returning to the dark, longing for the light of the megastore.