Chapter 35 Collapse

The Underground City lost order, giant rats roamed freely, and the poor headed to their deaths.

Asa Katsuragi tensed her will, compelling herself to stand. Bullets or not, fighting was like an instinct.

Before the Ratmen could fire their sneaky shots, she had already killed many, her crowbar now blood-red, covered with sticky tissue from smashed Ratmen skulls.

The Ratmen, seeing her shot but not falling, felt a hidden fear and dared not act rashly.

Around her, twenty or thirty gray-haired Ratmen lay on the ground, bludgeoned by the crowbar into indistinguishable masses of flesh and blood. The reckless who saw their comrades' death didn't dare make a move.

A white-haired Ratman stood out from the rat crowd.

The black-haired and gray-haired Ratmen all showed reverence to this white rat, clearly its intelligence was higher than the others, and its posture more upright, not as hunched and sleazy as the ordinary Ratmen.