Chapter 499 Ninja Hunter

Hosoda Yoshiyuki tested the toughness of his cybernetic body.

He deformed his arm, with most of the machinery densely folded inside his modified body. Fully extended, it assumed an astonishing size—a single arm stretched out into a mechanical structure four to five meters long, covered with an integrated array of firearms that looked terrifying. As the metal gears turned and the pneumatic system hissed, his skin split and shifted aside.

Besides the core frame that was company-issued, the rest of the guns were mounted by himself. He had removed most of the useless structures, leaving only the barrel and ammunition chamber—essentially different caliber pneumatic gunpowder devices. The more barrels, the more firepower, and that was Hosoda Yoshiyuki's pursuit. He wanted to transform his own body into a one-man weapon of destruction to take down the company, and he was willing to pay any price for it.

Nidelaide was grinding his teeth.